Intervention Resources

Here you will find a list of intervention resources categorized by various areas. Data collection tools will also be suggested.


Below you will find academic interventions by area. Click on the black underlined intervention to be taken directly to that resource.


Below you will find interventions broken down by type. Click on the red underlined title to be directed to a folder of intervention resources for that area. As always, if you need something specific, reach out to your designated school psychologist. We're always here to help you and the students!

Variety of charts - Daily and weekly behavior charts; On-task charts; Check In Check Out (CICO); Color charts; behavior contracts

A multitude of resources for calming students down in both a proactive and reactive way.

Power cards; Blurt cards; Behavior reminder cards; Break cards; Incentive cards

Worksheets on - Making choices; Fear hierarchy; Cognitive restructuring; Common errors in thinking

Think sheets; 5-point scales; Zones of regulation check-ins; Calm down or frustration visuals; Coping tools; Stop & Think; Behavior reflection sheets

Tips and resources on building relationships, ways to talk to anxious children, ways to understand a child's feelings, and more.

Interventions to support and motivate work completion - Working for, timed tasks, incentive charts, homework scales, work refusal strategy

Tools for determining what is reinforcing to a student and token economies

Reminders and data tools for students who are working on tracking their own behaviors

A variety of social stories for students struggling with various situations

A large selection of visuals - Daily schedules; first-then boards; behavior reminder cards for desk or adult

General Behavior Resources & Sites: