Serving Values

Apprenticing means that you teach someone else to do what you do. Your goal is to replace yourself. Success cannot be achieved without succession. Because of what is at stake, we are committed to perpetually mentoring and releasing others to do what we do. Replacing ourselves at every level of our outreach is essential to the continued effectiveness of our church. We believe every believer is responsible for passing along to others the knowledge, skills, and opportunities for service that God, through others, entrusted to them.

Excellence means giving your very best in everything you do, because excellence honors God and inspires others.

Hospitality means we are to serve people and create environments to help them toward a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Our goal is to exceed the expectations of those we serve and pay attention to even the smallest detail. We go above and beyond what is required of us.

Humility is about the heart and the attitude that we show to others. It means putting others before yourself. We don’t demand our own way; we yield our own interests for the greater good and for the agreed upon direction our leadership has chosen. People should sense your gracious spirit and your genuine concern.

Reliability means doing everything in your power to fulfill your role each week as a member of a Strategic Service Team. It means showing up on time (i.e. 30 minutes prior to beginning of service) and being fully prepared each week when you serve. If you cannot fulfill your role on any given week, you should seek a replacement for yourself (if applicable) and notify your team leader as soon as possible.

Teamwork means that there are no superstars at Journey. Each of us serves a vital part in creating environments for people to pursue their relationship with Jesus Christ. Each role is important and a necessary part of what we do. We work together as a unified team toward our stated purpose. Those around you should sense your positive attitude toward Journey and those with whom you serve.