Digital & Agile Training

Don't expect death by powerpoint.

We design and build our courses for you - our courses are your courses.  We'll give you a bit of theory, an explanation, perhaps pose a challenge.  We'll show you some videos, run some group exercises, maybe play some games.  We'll ask you questions, we'll prompt discussions, we'll ask you to bring your experiences to the group - that's how we make it real.

Being agile is about people - people working together, so that's what we'll get you doing too.  Nothing false or forced.  You will learn to be agile, simply by being agile. 

Our trainers and coaches are friendly, approachable and skilled at facilitation.  They will ensure that you get the most out of the course and more likely than not, have some fun along the way.

We offer most of our standard public courses, as either in-person or fully remote (online), but there are some that we only offer as face-to-face as we feel that the detail of the topics requires face-to-face engagement.

Running courses face-to-face allows us to demonstrate many of the topics we cover using a variety of activities, workshops and games.

Our face-to-face courses are normally run in Sheffield or London, but we do sometimes run our courses in other locations if it suits all of the course delegates - just let us know your preference.

Our remote (online) courses cover the same topics as our face-to-face courses.  We have adapted some of the activities so that we can deliver them remotely, but they are not identical to our in-person courses.

Our online course have shorter lessons and activities.  Our adapted online face-to-face activities are slightly more directed than when we run them face-to-face.  We've also found that online learning tends to feel much more intensive so we build in more, but shorter breakout slots.

We limit the number of people on all of our courses to a maximum of 12 people.

Bespoke courses

In addition to our standard public courses, we also offer bespoke training courses for organisations.

We will work with you to understand your needs and will design a training solution to meet your specific needs.   Working with you, we'll create an outline of the topics to cover and show you some of the content that we use to explain different topics.  

We value our ability to be able to respond to our customers needs - we know our content well, and how best to deliver it so that it helps our customers.  We believe that we can provide a much more valuable tailored agile course for you compared to any other standard, scripted agile course.

We charge our bespoke training based on a consultancy day rate, rather than on a per delegate basis as this is much most cost-effective for our customers.

The price for our bespoke training is charged at £1050 (excluding VAT) per day.  

As with all of our training, the maximum number of people we train on any course is 12 people, so if your need is for more than 12 people we may have to run more than one course for you.  We can do this concurrently using more than one trainer, or run the training consecutively using the same trainer.   We will work with you to determine the best approach.

Our free short courses

We currently run a number of free short courses on specific agile topics, including How to be agile, How to use scrum, and How to use kanban.

The courses cover agile-aligned frameworks, methods and practices, as well as some explanations on how to use tools and techniques.

These short courses are run online, once a month.  For details and to reserve your place go to our Eventbrite page.

After each course we provide a pdf containing a summarised set of all of the slides using during the course.

Delegates on our standard courses also recieve a Certificate of Completion that provides details about the course they've attended and the dates of the course.  There's no test or exam, delegates just need to attend the course in full.

If you're interested in any of our training courses then please visit our Eventbrite page for scheduled courses or use the form to let us know what you're interested in, or you can browse each of our standard course page and register your interest on the course page.

For bespoke courses, please use the form on this page to tell us what your needs are, and we'll be in contact about how we design a bespoke course for you that is tailored to meet your needs.

Coming soon

We're planning to launch some of our learning content on-line, for self-directed learning soon.  If you're interested to learn more and find out about the type of learning content that will be available, please get in touch.

We're always improving our courses and developing new courses based on the feedback we receive every time we deliver a course.  We've currently got a few new courses in the pipeline:

Delivery Manager - Advanced

We've recognised that Delivery Managers often get asked to provide support to multiple teams, portfolios, programmes, communities of practice, divisions, directorates, departments and organisations.  Often they need to think bigger than just digital delivery of a single service.

We've also recognised that sometimes the problems that delivery managers face are very complex and a bigger set of tools are needed to help understand how best to tackle those problems.

We're going to put all of our knowledge about dealing with digital delivery at scale, and approaches to take to help tackle big complex problems into our advanced Delivery Managers course.

Re-skilling for digital delivery roles

In recent years we've found the adoption of agile ways of working, especially through large transformation programmes has led to numbers of existing staff needing to be re-skilled in agile ways of working, either to be able to engage with digital delivery teams, or to become a members of digital delivery teams themselves

We're planning to base this course on our Digital Delivery for Teams course but with more emphasis on understanding the different roles and utilising existing skills in their new digital roles.