Service Learning

Direct Service

Indirect Service



Service Learning (SL) is a fundamental part of the IBCP curriculum. Participation in service-learning activities emphasizes service-learning, service as a vehicle for learning that has academic value, reflects upon the career-related studies, and relates to the Reflective Project. This involvement allows young people to share their energies and talents while developing awareness, concern, and the ability to work cooperatively with others. The goal of educating the whole person and fostering a more compassionate citizenry comes alive in an immediate way when students reach beyond themselves.

Direct Service

With people

  • Coach children in sports

  • Deliver meals to people living with a medical condition

  • Lead résumé-writing workshops for people who are unemployed

  • Organize or assist at a blood donation drive

  • Play music with elders to have an exchange of skills and learn about each other’s music preferences and talents, and then perform as an ensemble for others

  • Distribute plants at a farmer’s market to promote home-grown container gardens

  • Prepare and then serve food at a soup kitchen

With the environment

  • Restore a stream.

  • Prepare the soil and beds for an elementary school garden and plant with the children

  • Grow seedlings for distribution

  • Install raised-bed gardens for a senior center

  • Establish a recycling program at your local civic center

  • Make a rainwater garden

With animals

  • Help at an animal shelter with data entry and dog walking

  • Assist with a pet adoption outreach program at community events

  • Lead a workshop on pet care

  • Set up a turtle sanctuary in partnership with a community organization

Indirect Service

With people

  • Assemble a photograph exhibit about poverty for a gallery

  • Prepare meals in a soup kitchen

  • Take part in a walkathon to raise money for different humanitarian causes

  • Prepare activity kits for children for an emergency shelter

  • Write brochures for organizations

  • Build an organization’s website or provide content for an organization’s website

  • Assist with the creation of a museum exhibit

  • Make exercise videos to give to homeless shelters

  • Create a newsletter for a retirement community

  • Record audiobooks for people who are visually impaired

With the environment

  • Prepare signage for a local wetland

  • Grow seedlings for distribution

  • Initiate a school compost scheme to reduce food waste in landfills

  • Create a website with information about flora and fauna for a local park

With animals

  • Make zoo toys for animals

  • Collect needed supplies for a wildlife rescue centre

  • Bake dog biscuits for an animal shelter

  • Make colouring books with protection tips on local endangered animals for elementary schools and tourists

Advocacy Service

With people

  • Lead a town hall meeting on solar energy

  • Organize a letter-writing campaign for a cause

  • Host a speaker and film series to raise awareness for the community

  • Create comic strips or comic books to teach about emergency safety and readiness

  • Plan a conference to raise awareness about education equity

With the environment

  • Provide reusable water bottles to replace single-use water bottles

  • Create public service announcements on energy reduction in homes

  • Organize a flash mob to teach about recycling

  • Promote a “just use less” campaign to reduce quantities of what is put in trash and recycling bins

With animals

  • Make beach signs to protect local waterways from rubbish

  • Advocate for animals at risk at an organized public event

  • Create posters, videos and public service announcements to promote animal adoption for a shelter

Research Service

With people

  • Assist with a city-wide needs assessment by running focus groups

  • Conduct hands-on research about how interaction improves the quality of life for residents at an elder care facility

  • Prepare a public service outreach process to identify local veterans willing to be interviewed, and then conduct the interviews for a historical society

  • Learn about the history of people buried in a cemetery from the 1800s to support a local museum

  • Observe play habits of children in an orphanage or refugee center to identify what skills are developed or need support

With the environment

  • Use photography to collect images that inform about the first flush from a storm drain near your school

  • Interview administrators at local landfills to learn about community habits that support collections of trash to recycle and food waste for composting

  • Analyze items collected in a community or beach clean-up to develop a campaign (advocacy service) that prevents the items from being littered again

With animals

  • Conduct a behavior study of zoo animals or shelter animals

  • Monitor numbers of stray animals, combine findings with interviews and surveys to determine opinions of advocates, opponents and the general public and offer recommendations to improve local policies

  • Assist with tracking and monitoring of butterfly migratory paths

Teacher/Student Support Documents

Service Learning Reflection Template