Reflective Project 


The IBCP Reflective Project is an in-depth body of work produced over an extended period and submitted in year 2 of the career-related programme. Through the Reflective Project, students identify, analyze, discuss and evaluate an ethical dilemma associated with an issue from their career-related studies. This work encourages students to engage in personal inquiry, intellectual discovery, creativity, action and reflection, and to develop strong thinking, research and communication skills.

The Reflective Project is assessed using grades A to E, with A representing the highest level of achievement. 

A minimum of 50 hours is expected to be devoted to the project.

Students will start the Reflective Project during IBCP year 1 (Junior year). The IBCP students will receive support not only in IBCP study hall, but also in their personal and professional skills lessons with a focus on structure, referencing, and scaffolding. ​

Students will receive a supervisor from their career-related area of study. The first role of the Reflective Project supervisor is to provide guidance in areas of ethical concerns in their CTE study. The second is to provide support with research, analysis, discussion, and evaluation of the student's findings around that area of ethical study. Students must communicate for regular 1-1’s with their supervisor.

The Format 

Option 1

A written essay (maximum 3,000 words). This should cover all the reflective project’s requirements except reflection, which forms the content of the RPPF. 

Option 2

A written essay (1,500–2,000 words) accompanied by an additional format (film, oral presentation, interview, play or display). Together, the written essay and additional format should cover all the reflective project’s requirements except reflection. 

Additional formats 

The permitted additional formats are: 

• A short film (7 minutes). Students are free to create whatever type of film they believe will be a valuable component of their reflective project, for example, a documentary, a drama, a news report, and so on. They can choose to submit a written film script instead (700 words). 

• A spoken presentation (recorded on audio/video; 7 minutes). A presentation provides students with the opportunity to address in a spoken format aspects of their reflective project. They can choose to submit a written script instead (700 words).

 • An interview (recorded on audio/video; 7 minutes). An interview allows students to be creative by imagining and developing a discussion between two or more people. They can choose to submit a written script instead (700 words).

 • A play (recorded on audio/video; 7 minutes). The play should include one or more characters performing a spoken drama that supports elements of the reflective project. It can include dialogue, music, and sound effects. Students can choose to submit a written script instead (700 words). 

• A display (a storyboard or photo essay using up to 15 annotated images; 700 words). A storyboard/ photo essay is usually a linear narrative told through imagery. Students can decide what their imagery will accomplish and how it will contribute to the reflective project overall. For example, it could provide an overview of their reflective project and create points of discussion or illustrate particular ideas.

Function of additional format 

The chosen additional format should support and add information to the reflective project overall. For example, a film or presentation could reflect the different perspectives of the stakeholders involved, or detail the local/global manifestation of the issue, while the written essay contains the central argument(s) of the ethical dilemma.

 Crucially, the content of the additional format must be different from the essay. For example, students should not take an argument presented in the essay and then repeat it in the additional format. The two elements should complement each other, each adding value to the other, ensuring that as an overall submission the assessment criteria are satisfied. Repetition or simply reformatting information will lose a student's marks.

 Whatever format the student chooses, it must be capable of being sent electronically to the IB for moderation. Live links to the reflective project are not permitted. 

2024 Cohort Research Questions 

Should artificial intelligence be used in businesses to increase efficiency? 

To what extend should scientists be able to use CRISPR to genetically modify DNA in order improve human life? 

Knowing that many women rely on abortions for medical reasons, should abortion be allowed for all nine months of pregnancy? 

Is it ethical for the cosmetic industry to continue using animal testing for the sake of product safety? 

Should humans continue researching and developing cryonics to prolong and/or sustain human life? 

To what extent should placebos be used in patient treatment and clinical trials? 

To what extent are 3D printers affecting the Industrial workforce in America? 

To what extent are video games causing addiction and violence in adolescence? 

To what extent should euthanasia be used you relieve terminally ill patients? 

To what extent is the use of fear-based advertising tactics justifiable in the marketing industry? 

To what extent should companies utilize false marketing to increase sales? 

To what extent is over-dependency on technology limiting creativity?

 To what extent would a global shift to electric cars over conventional cars be beneficial to the environment?

To what extent should companies be transparent about sharing information and user data? 

To what extent should parents be allowed to make a decision on whether or not to terminate a pregnancy for their underage daughter?

Should parents have the right to refuse to vaccinate their children? 

2025 Cohort Research Questions 

To what extent should restaurant owners hire people without legal status/documents?

To what extent should the developers of bio-printing technology prioritize equal access to treatment over research funding?

To what extent should Disney reevaluate their representation of minorities for the sake of their success?

To what extent does targeted advertising lead to addiction on all social media platforms?

To what extent should Artificial Intelligence be utilized in automated weapon systems?

To what extent should restaurant owners prioritize controlling inflation over ensuring adequate staffing levels?

To what extent should Euthanasia be allowed as a solution for a patient who has no hope of recuperating?

To what extent should Genetic Modification be permitted in humans?

To what extend can healthcare providers balance truthfulness and withhold information while minimizing distress to a patient?

To what extent should we establish regulations to ensure everyone, including long-term residents, can still afford to live in our gentrifying neighborhood, even if it means we can’t make it look as upscale as we desire?

To what extent should countries be required to provide medical aid to Least Developed Countries during a global crisis?

2022 Cohort Research Questions 

Should companies utilize dark money to influence political groups?

2023 Cohort Research Questions 

Should tech companies be allowed to track consumer data to better market their products and services?

Should hospitals refuse to give individuals an organ based on their vaccination status?

Should engineers continue researching cryonics in order

 to prolong a human’s life?

To what extent should the government have control over who a business serves? 

Should Japanese companies take advantage of an animator's life to maximize profits on their anime?

To what extent should spacecrafts be launched into space? 

Should fast fashion enterprises be allowed to sacrifice the environment in order to create cheaper, and faster clothing?