CTE Internships

CTE Internship


CTE Internship Standard Expectations

High school juniors or seniors who are at least 16 years old and have participated in multiple CTE courses are eligible for CTE Internship. CTE Internship is designed to operate for an 18-week period (1 Semester) or 9-week period (Summer) with a minimum of 120 work hours per credit. A maximum of 2 credits can be earned per school year. Students can choose to participate in paid or unpaid internships. 


Internship Standards


1.00: Identify the components of an internship experience: before, during, and after 10%

2.00: Understand knowledge and skills of the internship experience and career pathway through completion of a project. 15%

3.00: Understand evidence of knowledge and skills application through completion of a portfolio capturing the internship experience. 15%

4.00: Apply career-related knowledge and skills through a real workplace environment related to career interests, abilities, and goals. 60%

5.00: Understand career pathway knowledge and skills by capturing through a research paper and presenting the internship experience. (SUPPLEMENTAL)


Component 1 - Portfolio - 15% 

Contents may include: 

Component 2 - Project - 15%

The project must be student generated and relate to the internship experience. A project proposal must be submitted to and approved by the CDC and parent/guardian. The project proposal must outline tasks to be completed and show evidence of knowledge gained in completion of the portfolio and work experience.

Component 3 - Work Experience - 70%

The student will complete the application process for the desired experience. The teacher will determine a grade based on feedback from the employer in the areas of Quality of Work, Ability to Learn, Character Traits, Dependability, Attendance and Punctuality, Response to Supervision, and Company Fit. 

Proof of Learning


Honors Expectations

In addition to the CTE Internship Standard Expectations listed above, students will choose 1 from each column to complete during their first enrollment in the course. If students choose to take the course a second time, they will choose a different activity from each column.

Xello Lesson

Job-Seeking Skills

Career Planning

Workplace Skills & Attitudes

Career Interview

Personal Growth Plan  & Career Coaching Session 

Job Interviews

Elevator Pitch

Important Labor Market Trends and Career Planning

Project Option

Students taking the honors course for a 2nd credit with the same employer may consider the option of completing the Conover Career Readiness Credential as the Project. Employers and student interns should agree to this option and complete the Project Proposal Form accordingly.

Career Interview

Learning Objectives:

Essential questions:

Lesson Plan:    

Interview a professional that works in a career related to your career goals.

You may use the following questions during your interview:

Final Product: 


Rubric: Career Interview

0-1 points


Interview goes above and beyond the usual questions. Information is complete

Used provided interview questions only. Information is limited

Interview is incomplete


All content is accurate and communicates a complete understanding of the career

Content shows some flaws and omissions and illustrates only partial knowledge of the career

Much of the content is inaccurate and communicates very little understanding of the career

Organization and Flow

Content is clearly organized, with a logical flow of connected ideas and effective transitions

Ideas are sound, but the content is not well organized and needs more effective transitions

Content is extremely disorganized. The transitions between ideas are unclear or


Complete a Resume

Learning Objectives:

Essential questions:

Lesson Plan:    

Rubric: Complete a Resume

Needs Attention

0-1 points

Resume Format

Resume is formatted correctly, has eye appeal, and proper use of margins, spacing, and fonts

Resume has some formatting issues that affect eye appeal and flow

Resume is poorly formatted with inappropriate use of fonts, spacing, and headings

Resume Content

All essential components are present and contain detailed information. Evidence of revisions based on professional feedback

(Heading, Education, Experience, Skills)

1-2 components are missing

Some sections need more detail

Has made some revisions

Resume is incomplete with 3 or more components missing and/or lacking details

Organization and Flow

Content is clearly organized with a logical flow of sections

Items listed within the sections are in reverse chronological order

Content is not well organized and/or some items are not in reverse chronological order 

Content is extremely disorganized. 

Spelling and Grammar

No spelling or grammar errors

1-2 spelling/ grammar errors

3 or more spelling/grammar errors

Create an Elevator Pitch

Learning Objectives:

Essential questions:

Lesson Plan:    

What is an elevator pitch?

An Elevator Pitch is a speech with the persuasive goal of selling yourself (or your product, business, etc.) to a potential employer or investor. It's all about telling them who you are, what your strengths/background/skills are, and the type of career/position you're looking for.  

The name comes from the idea that if you happened to be in an elevator with a person who could change the course of your career for the better, you'd have limited time to speak with them before those elevator doors open and they're gone. Usually, elevator pitches range from 30 seconds to about 1 1/2 minutes. 

How to Create an Elevator Pitch

Read this Indeed.com Article on how to create an Elevator Pitch. Included are examples of Elevator Pitches. 

Your Assignment 

Rubric: Elevator Pitch

s Attention

0-1 points


Memorable introduction. Includes name, school, grade, and a pleasantry phrase

Mediocre introduction that lacks enthusiasm and/or is missing important elements

Poorly delivered or missing introduction


Succinct summary of your background. Includes the most relevant information such as education, experience and/or any key specialties. Organized in a way that flows

Summary is too long, relevant information is missing, and/or is organized in a way that lacks flow

Summary is missing or incomplete

The Finish

Includes a brief explanation of what the student wants (job, internship, etc.) or their goals. Clearly defines what the student wants to happen next. Includes a Thank You phrase

Present but poorly presented and missing critical components

Ending is missing or incomplete


Pitch length is appropriate. (Typically 7-10 sentences, or under 90 seconds)

Pitch length could be improved. Is either too short

(5-6 sentences /20-30 seconds), or too long (11-13 sentences/over 90 seconds)

Pitch is less than 5 sentences and extremely short (less than 20 seconds)


Positive, enthusiastic, smiling, good volume and tone, no grammar errors

Monotone, lacks enthusiasm, 1-2 grammar errors

Poor delivery, 3 or more grammatical errors

Personal Growth Plan and Career Coaching Session:

Learning Objectives:

Essential Question:

Lesson Plan:

Personal Growth Plan: How to Create, What to expect?

Employee Name:

Position and Title:


List professional goals and aspirations:

List strengths and talents:

List development opportunities:

Action plan (Specific steps or tasks to achieve goals)

Employee Signature: ___________________ Date: _______

Supervisor Signature: ___________________Date: _______

Career Coaching Session: How to Prepare, What to Expect

Important Labor Market Trends and Career Planning

Learning Objectives: 

Essential Questions:

Lesson Plan:


Why is this career interesting to me?

Job Outlook

Median annual wage

How to become one

What they do

Work Environment

Rubric: Labor Market Trends and Career Planning Spark GraphicNeeds Attention

0-1 points


All content is included-you must include at least 5 of the 6 topics from the chart above

Some content is missing-less than 5 topics are presented

Graphic is incomplete and/or still in draft form


All content is accurate and communicates a complete understanding of the career and labor market demand.

Content shows some flaws and omissions and illustrates only partial knowledge of the career and labor market demand.

Much of the content is inaccurate and communicates very little understanding of the career and labor market demand

Organization and Flow

Content is clearly organized, with a logical flow of connected ideas and effective transitions.

Ideas are sound, but the content is not well organized and needs more effective transitions. 

Content is extremely disorganized. The transitions between ideas are unclear or


Internship Promotional Video

Learning Objectives:

Essential Questions:

Lesson Plan:

Definition of a PSA

Examples of PSAs:


Rubric: Internship Promotional VideoNeeds Attention

0-1 points


Student submitted complete storyboard for prior approval by the CDC. CDC feedback is apparent in the final PSA

Student submitted storyboard for prior approval. CDC feedback was not incorporated into the final PSA

No storyboard or an incomplete storyboard was submitted for prior approval


Memorable introduction. Includes name, school, grade, internship worksite, and a pleasantry phrase

Mediocre introduction that lacks enthusiasm and/or is missing important elements

Poorly delivered or missing introduction


Succinct summary of your internship and career interest area. Includes all required information. Organized in a way that flows

Summary is too long or two short, relevant information is missing, and/or is organized in a way that lacks flow

Summary is missing or incomplete

The Finish

Includes a brief explanation of why you would encourage others to seek out an internship experience

Present but poorly presented and missing critical components

Ending is missing or incomplete


Promotional video length is appropriate, no more than 5 minutes

Promotional video length could be improved. Is either too short (under 1 minute) or too long (over 5 minutes)

Promotional video is extremely short (less than 20 seconds)


Positive, enthusiastic, smiling, good volume and tone, no grammar errors

Monotone, lacks enthusiasm, 1-2 grammar errors

Poor delivery, 3 or more grammatical errors

Roles & Responsibilities

Student Intern

CDC/CTE Teacher

Business Sponsor


Previous Student Internships Employers 

Dosserts LLC

Triangle East Chamber of Commerce

AdVenture Development LLC 

Coastal Credit Union 


Diaz Jewelery LLC 

Artistry in Motion Performing Arts Center

The Landings at Smithfield

Commwell Health 

North Carolina Clinical Research 

Studio U 

KS Bank 

Leistung Performance

Inspirational You Beauty Box

Four Oaks Fire Department