
Stop bullying

By Norma urias

Stop bullying some people in any school most people in all schools bully because they think there better then them.They think they have control of them,they think they are prettier or, much more handsome then all who fail or just look better.They only bully because they are jealous about how others look and how they are there good at math and art and creating friends. Although you're just standing there making less and less friends 

because of how you act and think.Yor not good at art or making friends because you bully,And your not good at music and singing. You’re just not good enough. That's why you have to be nice,nice and don't cuss at students or teachers. Be nice by apologizing and doing what parents say.and teachers.

Running should be allowed in school

By: Ashley Amaya

I think Running in school should be allowed because if you are late to class you can run and get there faster. But also you should not be running when the hallway is crowded, you can get hurt or get others hurt. There are a bunch of reasons why you should be allowed to run in school, another reason is that if you're having an emergency and you need to go to the bathroom you have to run before an accident happens.

Kids should be able to have phones

By Aung

Hello I am Aung. I am a 6th grader in odyssey and I have an opinion. My opinion is that school should allow phones because what if they’re is an emergency or you need to do something they could use they’re phones. I think it’s necessary to own phones too because it could help you with a lot of things. If you see a student that is on their phone when they’re not supposed to be on it, you can take them away and send them to the office to get a minor or something. It can also be used to use notes or helpful things. 

Sanda M Volleyball in summit

I think we should have a school volleyball team, because it would be fun to have an after school volleyball meet up in the gym, or at least a club. It would start at 3:30 and end at 6.  Also I have seen really good volleyball players in this school, whether it's a boy or girl. I know that most everyone here loves volleyball. That is most of the reasons I think we should have a volleyball team/club.

Paint Some Lines

By: Brandt Vocelka

   I have a suggestion to make recess and P.E more fun. My suggestion is to spray paint lines for a soccer pitch and a football field. The worst feeling is to come in from recess heated about a call at recess football about going out of bounds. Also it helps out soccer with going out of bounds so they don’t run a mile away from the game with the ball and take five minutes to get back. It would save time for P.E so they wouldn’t have to set up cones for many different games. That is why I think the school should spray paint lines for a soccer pitch and a football field.

1 reason I think phones should be in school because the can be used as a tool.

by Tarajh

Most schools don’t have a computer of some sort so the kids have to write those papers. Yet if you do add phones  to the school it’s cut back on paper and other material that are needed for school such as pencil and ink. Think do you really want iPods in school.

Another reason 

I understand that it can be disruptive if the kids are not doing what they are supposed to do they have to apologize and get their phone took away for that class. Another reason kids should be Able to have their phones out in case of an emergency if the parents need to contact them it might take to long to the office to the kids. 


That is why I think kids should be able to have their phone in class.

Why phones should be allowed 

By Lejla

I think we should be able to have our phones out during lunch and recess because in other schools people all have that privilege. Another example of why we should have phone allowed at lunch and recess is because everyone would be quieter in the lunchroom and at recess. One more reason is if a fire ever happens we will have our phones on us so then we don’t have to go back and have a chance of dying. One last reason why I think we should have our phones out at lunch and recess is because then the kids would have time for all the hard work they did that day so the time on there phones would kind of be like a reward.