
I Don’t Care About Professional Sports

By Caelan S.

Yes, you read that right. I do not care about any and all professional sports in any instance at any point in time. Take for example, the Super Bowl. It’s arguably the most popular American event that happens every year. But, I only care about the stuff around it, not the actual game. The ads? Some of the most unfunny stuff I’ve ever seen, and I have a YouTube addiction. But, it being so unfunny indirectly makes it hilarious. The food? Nothing beats it. But the actual game? I just can’t get into it as I try and fail to remember how football works. And even when I do remember, I just can’t get into it. There's a reason that I always tap out after halftime. It’s not because I have stuff I wanna do, it’s because the game is so boring to me.

And this isn’t just limited to football. March Madness is debatably the biggest event in the NBA, and I can’t be bothered to do any of the things. I have no motivation to make a bracket, watch the games, or even see who won. Or what about the World Series, the big championship game for the MLB? I just don’t care about it at all. And this is how it works for every sport, league, and game. The reason I’ve only talked about the big stuff is because that’s what I’m most likely to watch. And if I don’t want to see that, then why should I be bothered to watch everything else?

Now look, I’m not trying to bash sports. I have done and still do sports. And it's not like I completely don’t acknowledge anything about competitive/professional sports at all. I am, after all, very much a Hawkeye fan (no apologies to all Iowa State fans). But there’s something about watching, discussing, and just caring about professional sports that I can’t seem to grasp. 

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First 10 last 10

                       By: Maddy

  This year there was a new rule put in place called first 10 last 10. That means no one is allowed to leave class the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes of class. Apparently research shows that the things kids remember are things that they learn during the first 10 minutes of class and the last 10 minutes of class. I think that we as kids should be allowed to go to the bathroom. I know the reason this was put in place is because kids go to the bathroom just to skip class and mess around. But our teachers should know us enough by now to know who would go to the bathroom to skip and mess around and who would go to the bathroom responsible.

Deng Arop

After school basketball club

I think that there should be a basketball club after school. Basketball is popular all around the world. The majority of the students would probably agree with me and enjoy having a club after school. Not only would most of the students enjoy this basketball also has health benefits and would help the students stay in shape. There also might be people who are new to the sport and want to learn more about it and how to play.

Summer fruits should be sold all year.

By Dean Hukarevic

I think summer fruit should be sold all year round because it's some of the most enjoyed fruits. They should find a way to make summer fruits during winter in some kind of facility. This would make lots of revenue and many people would buy it.

They can make the prices high on the summer fruit during the winter because of the import tariffs on the fruit but they would make lots of income on the fruit sold during the winter. They can make deals with other countries to gain more money off of the imported fruit.

This shows why grocery stores should start selling summer seasoned fruits as imports from other countries during the winter season because people would pay a lot and enjoy. The fruit.