
True Beauty

By: Elly

True beauty is really informative talking about teenage girls' mental health. The main character gets bullied and begins to suffer with her mental health. She tries to jump off a ledge when this handsome guy takes her in his arms because he had a friend who jumped and he felt guilty. The guy saw her bare “ugly” face that she was bullied for. She coincidentally transferred to his school with an entirely new look, she was praised and many others but after her ex bullies found out they black mailed her. One of the two male leads was aware and even after he saw her “bare face” he still stood next to her. And the actual male lead knew her secret since day one but still loved her the way she was. She had an amazing personality and they shared many common interests.This show is streamed on Rakuten Viki, if you are interested to see what happens next please watch! This show has changed my life and perspective in so many different things. This is honestly my favorite show ever, I highly recommend it, the only “issue” I have is that I personally like the second lead far much better. If you don’t like watching show, there is a online web toon and a book in Target. This is a kdrama romcom so if you aren’t a fan of romance or comedy I wouldn’t recommend it.

 Smile review   

by Mickey G.

Smile handled it decently but don't expect Oscar worthy exposition. And no, it wasn't exactly the main theme so try not to quit halfway through because there would be surprises by the last act of the film. And a smile is incredibly scary and disturbing at the same time,and a smile is worth watching because you have to watch it at least once.smile is Rated R and I would not recommend it for kids and the movie is based on Finn’s short film Laura Hasn’t slept and there a tall monster in the movie the deaths are actually part of a curse.

Hazbin hotel

By Elijah 

Hazbin hotel is an animated series, it has some sensitive topics please don’t watch if you are not 13 or over and if you do not like cuss words. This is your warning. 

Hazbin is a cartoon animated show about a girl in hell named charlie trying to redeem sinners before the extermination and tries to convince people in heaven to help her but they don’t think it can be done and people in hell don’t think it will work either. Charlie finds as a guest to stay at the hotel named angel dust he is a spider demon that is staying at the hotel so he doesn’t have to pay rent but he might as well try to get redeemed.Can only watch on Amazon +.

Super fat  - A creative Story

By Amina

He's fat and he has super power, and he helps people who need help.

There is this man is super fat man he’s helping people because he’s strong power just get up power because he just eat some food. He didn’t know about bread and he just find it somewhere and then he just eat it. He just give him power and he’s fat so fat he just have superpower is helping people find bad people.

Bob the potato - A creative Story

    by: Ryatt Davis

Bob was walking down the street as a normal potato when a semi got into an accident and spilled green goo everywhere. Bob got hit by a brick and went flying in an alleyway and got the green goo all over him. The police and the doctors showed up but they never knew Bob was unconscious. A couple hours later after the accident Bob woke up and Bob was confused about what happened because he couldn’t remember what happened. So he went home and went to bed. Bob woke up and ate breakfast but then Bob started shooting French Fries out of his fingers and was flying in the air. Bob was going to call the police but then someone knocked at Bob's door. Bob went to see who it was but he didn’t know who he was so Bob opened the door, the person at the door just walked in and sat on the couch and started talking to bob. The guy said “Hi bob I know you probably don't know me but I’m Termateo and I’m a superhero and I was told to come here to get you”. “I am not going anywhere with you, I don't even know you, '' Bob said. “I had a feeling you would say that so sorry for doing this to you” said Termateo. Termateo shot ketchup in Bob's eye and Bob fell to the ground and was asleep. They ended up at a secret place and Bob woke up and started flying again but Termateo grabbed Bob and brought him back down to the ground. Termateo told Bob what happened at the accident and told Bob that he was a superhero. Termateo was training Bob to be a hero and his hero name was Bob the potato. They have been training for months now and Termateo thinks Bob is ready. Bob got a superhero suit and then Bob the potato and Termateo went out to fly around town and then they heard a crash so they flu over to the crash and saw that there was a giant broccoli was destroying the town so bob the potato flu in and shoot French fries at the broccoli and Termateo shot ketchup at the giant broccoli and then bob the potato and Termateo won. A few weeks later they had another fight. 

                          Part two in the making

School Spirits

By:Jonathan Youngbear

I really like this show because i really like to watch murder mystery shows. This show is about a girl who mysteriously dies in her school. And when she dies she meats all the other dead people. She is really confused at first but then everything starts to make sense. Later in the movie she tries to run away from the school when she gets far enough she teleports to where she died. Then she comes to her senses and goes to the little ghost meet up place in the pe and they talk about how they died and when she says she doesn’t know how she died and when she said that everyone went into shock because everyone knows how they die. When they found out she didn’t know how she died they started to try to find out. And when she is next to her friend her friend who is alive can see her. And he finds out that her boyfriend stole her phone.

A Comic

by Ahn