



Basketball was Invented in 1891 by a Canadian-American gym teacher James Naismith in United States, It evolved to become one of the world's most popular and widely viewed sports.


Usually, at least each team have the average number of 5-4 in their team. You’ll be facing the other’s opponents, to get a point you’ll need to travel across your opponents. By doing that you need to dribble, if you just run across the other team gets a point. If the opponent blocks you while dribbling, your teammate will be able to travel across you and so you can throw the ball at them. Your teammate will try to throw the basketball in the hoop, if they struggle they can pass it to you or the other person.

Iowa vs. Iowa State Game

by Ryatt

I am talking about the hawkeyes game.who is the starting line up? the starting line up is cade,cooper,kaleb,noah,erick. The score was 20 to 13 the hawkeyes won.they are 2-0 and iowa state is 1-1.the hawkeyws won the football game vs iowa  state.

Kansas City chiefs

By: Odin J.

The Kansas City Chiefs are 3 time winners of the Super Bowl. We had won one before and with the new quarterback, QB Patrick Mahomes we have won two.but at the start of the season they went up against the lions and lost by one point. The lions are a very good team this year but the chiefs are pretty good but the offensive team of the chiefs could not catch the football at all! This first game of the season was a disaster but that does not mean the season is lost remember Patrick Mahomes didn’t have his secret weapon due to a hyperextended knee while practicing.


 By Alexander Terhark

I interviewed Coach Luke Spencer. Here are a couple of the Q and A’s:

Alexander: “Why do you like being a coach?”

Coach Spencer: “I love being a cross country coach because I get to help runners  who enjoy running and encourage this sport.” 

Alexander: “If there are one or two things that you would improve in the team what would they be?”

Coach Spencer: “To have strength in positivity and numbers. Lots of positive attitude with people who like to run, and get better. With 70 boys there is lots of camaraderie.”


Alexander: “Do you think we can beat DCG this year?” 

Coach Spencer: “We can beat DCG if the team continues to work hard each week and strive to be better each and every run. Listen, ask questions and do more than asked.”

Alexander: “What is your favorite cross country course?”

Coach Spencer: “Favorite course so far from what I have seen was our home course. It has some trails where nobody is around and lots of places to cheer. It’s home. Yes. Exciting.”

Coach Spencer: “My favorite course that I have run was a cross country race in high school in Boulder Colorado. There were times when the trail was one person wide they had jay nails to jump the hills running along a lake/beach and finish on a track! Huge meet also.”