
Summit news

By Exodus

Today here at summit news.  Today is an A day with a whopping 63  degrees  outside right now.  Make sure to bring at least a hoodie outside because of how chilly it is.  Today for lunch is stuffed crust pizza or breaded chicken sandwich.

In summit we gotten new rules as such as no phones out anymore  and you can only have three bathroom passes a day and no visiting other communities.   And one in one out is a new rule.  Another thing is that new students have joined us and we are welcome to have them here.  And we would like to welcome our new guidance counselor Mrs. De Moss as she will be staying with us this year here in summit.

Meet Mrs.Dunn

By MIckey

I interviewed Mrs Dunn because she was the best 6th grader teacher. Here are some things about Mrs Dunn:

My middle name is Anne.

My favorite color is green.

I loved all of my 6th graders. :)

This summer we took a trip to Disney World & went to the Lake of the Ozarks.

My favorite thing to do at home is spend time with my family, garden, read, and run.

More about Mrs.Jordan

By Imani

Mrs. Jordan is the science teacher. She is on the second floor and she’s on team voyage. If you want to learn more about her and you’re new or just want to know more about her, these questions may help you.

Why did you become a teacher? To positively impact and potentially change the trajectory of students at Summit Middle School

Why did you choose to teach science? It’s the most hands-on subject in middle school and the subject that has a great impact on the world around us.

If you weren’t teaching science what other subject would you teach? Underwater basket weaving–it’s sweeping the nation.

If you weren’t a teacher, what would you be?  A stay at home dog mom.

Why did you get the dogs? Dogs are the only animal that loves their human more than itself.  Wrigley and Wrangler were trained to help my own children work through big emotions and comfort them on tough days.  I thought their talents and training would be beneficial to have at Summit!

Dragon dispatch 

By Minka

Today I will be explaining the new CHAMPS rules at summit. If your not familiar with champs, it stands for conversation,help,activity,movement,participation and success.

This is new at summit this year so we are just getting used to it and I honestly think it is helping with some kids behavior. But the rules are a lot more strict. For example. Last year we got multiple warnings about phones out. Now this year we just get them taken away. Now onto conversation, this year we have 3 levels for voice level, 0- no talking level -1 partner voice -2 classroom voice. Now for help, raise your hand or ask your neighbor. For activity be respectful to your peers and make sure everyone is included.

Movement, stay in your assigned seat until you are allowed to move around. Participation, raise your hand, do your work equally with your parters  or if it’s independent work do it by yourself and not talk. And lastly success, complete and turn in all of your work and be respectful to your adults and peers.

Thank you for reading the dragon dispatch! Have a great day.