
             GIRLS SOCCER TEAM 

By Clementine

I think we should have a girl soccer team because it would be fun and it would make the school popular. It would be a good exercise for the girls who want to exercise, for example girls like me, i like exercising so it would be good for me, and for  the other girls who like exercising like me. 

Here are some thing we might need to make the team 

 Why soccer is the best sport.


  Reason # 1:  soccer has the most fans 

Soccer has 3.5 billion fans, that's almost half the earth’s population. It is also played globally. Football is only known in America.

Reason#2 soccer has the most talented athletes 

soccer has some of the best  athletes such as Lionel Messi 

Cristiano Ronaldo, Erling Haaland and many more. 

Reason #3 Soccer is the most watched sport 

The fifa World Cup is the most watched sporting event in the world; it has 1.5 billion fans and the premier league is the most watched league in soccer with 1.3 billion fans.

Why we should have our phones out during recess/lunch.

By sherry

Why I think we should have our phone out because it’ll just be better!! At lunch your friends could be sitting far from us, so if we had our phone we could text them. At recess you can play games with your phones because some people like it like that. And it’s useful for emergencies. If the teachers are worried about having it out in class we can just put it away in our backpack and take it with us for lunch and recess. 

More Lunch Options

By Cruz Ogbulu

At Summit, I’m a person who mainly eats the cafeteria food during lunch and I have to say that we should have more options in the cafeteria. I think this because every week, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are always nachos, pizza, & walking tacos as the main meals and like 2 other meals as the 2nd option for those corresponding days. Tuesday & Friday have separate options every week ranging from “Cheesy Dragon Bread” to “Mandarin Orange Chicken” to “Snack’n Waffles” or “Burgers” as the main meals. This is why we should have more options, I also think that we should have more flavor options for the Slushie Machines, like Grape, or Strawberry, instead of only having Blue Raspberry & Cherry & a mix of both for options.


 by Jaliyah B. 

I say we need to change the passing time because sometimes people need to use the restroom for more than 3 minutes. Also, another reason why is that people have time to see teachers and see friends and have a 2 minute talk with them then go to class. Why I say this is because sometimes I see people getting tardy because they were in the bathroom and teachers say “if you need to use the restroom you use it during passing” so that’s why I think we have to make passing time at least 2 mins longer. 

Lunch with the Whole Community

by Brynn C.  

I think that both missions should have lunch together because you get to see friends and that would be the only time you get to, right now we don't and we already have open spots so why can’t the other mission sit there.  Most people agree that both sides should have lunch together.  

Lunch room food

By Kain

I think that we should have better food in the luch room. and more things to chose from. we only have a couple foods that i kinda enjoy. wich is orange chicken the waffles and breakfast lunch. and the deli turkey sandwiches. and the bread sticks with cheese. everything else really just isn't good. we should have more sides and different drinking options.

 I feel like we should get food from actual places like dominos pizza and other stuff. for healthy food options we should have like chicken and rice. maybe some steamed broccoli but we should have branded foods instead. like something they can deliver to the school. for drinking options i feel like we should have apple juice vitamin water and powerade zero. because there all healthy options. 

and then water wich we already have. there is a good amount of kids that bring home lunch just because they don't like the school food. we need a lot of healthy options in school so we can all stay health. I’m a healthy eater i eat health mostly all the time because i play sport. and football is my main sport so i have to eat healthy. and i lift and in order to build muscle i have to eat healthy and eat a lot of protein. we have a lot of sports players in this school so they need to have a lot of healthy stuff to help the students out but thats my opinion on school food.