
School lunch food 

by Thadeus G

I think that we should change the school lunch food. At my elementary school the food wasn’t horrible, and I think that the school could step up the lunch food. The first thing about it that is horrible is how dry it is. The food could be way better if they didn’t dehydrate before serving it to us. They could easily cook short meals before our lunch in the morning very easily, it only takes one quick google search to find 108 easy home cooked meals to give us a decent meal that we can’t get an unknown disease from.

Passing Period change time

by Kyle M.

We should change the passing periods because the time is too short. When I have to go from one side of the school to the other in 2 minutes and people are running to their classes which could hurt people and that would be bad. I think the passing periods should be changed to 5 minutes because this gives kids time to finish the last part of something in the class before they leave. And it will give students more freedom and less stress. This is my opinion because I agree with this.

This could also help teachers and give them a slight break to get a snack, coffee, finish an assignment before a class. And discuss things with other teachers and just give them a general break from work which could help with stress and that could help with how angry the are at students. And I think this is good.

This is an example of our school halls.

   Have the option to not swim 

    By Erica Sandy 

In my opinion swimming in general is fun but swimming in school isn’t the best because it’s not optional, there’s never enough time to change and we end up being late, I don’t mind swimming but I would like to have the option of whether I want to swim or not especially if it’s in school. Lots of kids say swimming is kinda irrelevant to school and we should get more options on either swimming or going to the gym. I understand they want us to be active and know how to swim but I would love to have the privilege of not swimming. I like being in the gym a lot more and I think just not swimming would be better than kinda being forced because if you choose to not swim you get a bad grade and I kinda think it’s really unfair to the people who love getting good grades but hate swimming like at school or in general. This is why I think we should have an option.

Opinion: can money buy you happiness?

by Linda D.

The question on whether money can or can’t buy a person happiness has always been a heated debate with people arguing on both sides. In my opinion, I think money can buy us happiness because Money buys happiness when it increases your quality of life. Happiness is a feeling we have for a lot of reasons, lots of things can provide the happiness a lot of us desire. Money is one of those things, There are lots of ways I think money can buy happiness. If somebody is hungry and is outside shivering in the cold then the cash could get them some food and shelter. It’s really the spending of money that creates happiness, for example whenever I buy something I like/want I experience a burst of happiness. For some, earning money to pay monthly bills can make them happy. It Could also be saving money to buy what they want, having enough money to put food on the table, going on a dream vacation, buying a new house, etc. after all if a person keeps having financial problems then they can’t be happy. Money can buy happiness if a person's survival depends on it or when a person wants to satisfy their wants. In fact there are some people working so hard just to make enough money to enjoy the good things in life, like for example traveling, health, food, and shelter. These are the reasons why I think money can buy happiness, money matters and one’s financial situation can impact his happiness.

Changing opinion 

by Alice B.

In my opinion I feel like kids should get more time to change from swimming.I get we have 12 minutes to change but sometimes it takes girls more than 12 minutes to get changed.My first reason is some people get late to class.My second reason is that missing academic work time.We don't get enough time to bathe,change and do other things we need to do.Most people barely get time to get anything done.

 by Lucy M. 

Johnston needs to better up its lunch

by Simona N. 

If Johnston wants to kids to enjoy their food at lunch they need to 

be 10 times better. How am i supposed to eat lunch if my food is mushing and cold like what am i supposed to do with that. Some days that lunch is good but higher up your food game to higher up our expectations.

Opinion on passing time

By Ezina

My opinion on passing time is that we should get a longer passing time because in your 6th grade community odyssey it would take you longer than 2 minutes to go from odyssey to pe. Same with 7th grade. If you're on a mission you have to walk around A LOT of people to go from mission to the gym or pool area.

 It takes about 5 minutes to walk from your community to one special and to another special.

So I think that the passing time should be at least 4 minutes or 6 minutes, anything longer than 2 or 3 minutes.

If there is a longer passing period people can get drinks of water, go to the bathroom and other stuff, so they won’t have to keep asking the teachers to go get drinks or go to the bathroom.

When hallways look like this and the passing period is short people will get tardy’s and a lot of people don’t want tardy’s.

Opinion on school lunches

By Kinzey

The person that I asked said that their opinion on school lunches is kind of good but we have the same meal everyday and that School lunch is Alright. “Most days I don’t Like it, but the days I do, I enjoy it and I actually can eat. School lunch can be 50/50 sometimes,  but in my opinion The lunch opinions are not my thing.” Some opinions on school lunches are all different some think that it’s horrible and some think it’s good. 

Opinion on Zoos

by Carson

An issue that is hotly debated is zoos.  It’s clear overall that zoos are harmful and should be closed or banned because it’s unhealthy and unsafe, it’s not natural, and animals are not getting the care they need. 

The most important reason that zoos should be banned is because they are unhealthy and unsafe. For example the animals are living in smaller dirtier enclosures that don’t meet their standards. This is significant because animals need more space like big cats they need space to roam or animals that travel in herds like elephants or rhinos who travel large distances. Having smaller enclosures can cause their life spans to be shorter and have health problems. This is why zoos enclosures are not safe for the animals.

Another reason is animals are kept in small enclosures in zoos that are not safe for animals. As a result they don’t act the way they do in real life out in the wild. In addition some animals in zoos are not learning survival techniques they would in the wild. This is important to notice because they are not as tough as you would think like out in the wild. Also animals in zoos don’t have to hunt or search for their food and it is just given to them, and zoos don’t allow animals to learn to fend for themselves. This is important to notice because if they are to go back to their real homes, they won’t know how to survive, and they will eventually perish. 

In conclusion it is clear that zoos should be closed because, 1. Animals are kept in small, or unsafe enclosures, 2. Zoos don’t allow animals to learn survival techniques like they would in the wild, 3. Animals in zoos are not always receiving the care they deserve.

School Lunch

By Michaelyn Q.

Today I’m going to be interviewing cadence, I’m interviewing her on school lunch.

Do you like school lunch? “ not really they could do better,some of the lunch’s are good”

What is your favorite school lunch meal? “ walking tacos”

Is the school lunch healthy? “No”

Why do you like school lunch?  “ because some of the lunch’s are good”

If you had to rate school lunch out of 5 what would it be? “ 3.5

Would you rather eat lunch form your house or eat lunch from school? “ bring cold lunch from home”

Is school lunch good? “It’s fine could be better”

Would you recommend school lunch? “No”


And that’s a opinion from a student who eats lunch at summit. She said it was good but could be better, do you like school lunch?


by Kiley W.

Do you feel like mission 1 and mission 2 should be together for lunch? I think yes because there is so many empty tables that they can all fit in and also most of the people on mission 1 has friends on mission 2 and if both sides of mission where combined we would be able to sit with are friends and there could only be 1 more lunch not 2 more lunches.