
Call of duty black ops 4 


by Draven

Call of duty black ops 4 is one of the worst call of duty’s ever because they don’t try to make a good game. It has no campaign and it is all multiplayer and that is no fun. I like a game with a campaign but this game doesn’t even have one. That's why I don’t like Call of Duty black Ops 4.

It will be better if they added a real story line and if they added better characters and Weapons. they have a bad storyline and they don’t have good graphics or movement.

Rocket league is LIT 

By: Dominic Avon 

Rocket league is my favorite game, the concept of the game is playing soccer with cars that can fly. You gain boost to make them fly, have goals and fun game modes. You also have competitive ranks to go up depending on your level of game. And right now I am at an average rank, being platinum. 

In my opinion, I recommend this game for people who like to play competitively. I recommend this because it is a skill based game and comes with nerves and skill. Also I think that if you like talking and socializing this is a great community to make friends in.

A Comic by Gio

A Comic by Theo

The Starting Block

by Keith-Aden C.

Bereal Review

By Miguel

Hello Everyone this month I have decided it would be appropriate if I did an app review I am sure that you all have heard of the app be real but i am  gonna give you guys some background knowledge on it . Be real is a social media platform that was created on January 10 2020 by Alexis barreyt BeReal is a social media app that asks users to post unfiltered photos of  themselves ,Be real has amassed about 73.5 million uses in less than a year so with so many people on the app I decided to ask people on there opinion on the app. I got a few people to get their opinion on the app so let’s get started! First off Lucy 

What's your favorite thing about the app?

“being able to see  my own pictures from the past”. 

What’s you’re least favorite

 “The annoying notifications”

 Rate the app


Is BeReal your favorite app, if not what is?

“It’s not and my favorite app is Snapchat” 

So now that we have an a opinion from an active user now hopefully you all can form you’re own opinion thank you all so much for reading!