
Why we shouldn’t makeup snow days!

By Kiley W.

The reason why we should not make up snow days is because we are cutting more into summer and we don’t get that much time to be outside. If that doesn't make sense I’ll explain it better. I would prefer not to have my summer days off in the winter because then you can't tan or go to the pool. Even go outside and play sports. Us kids also can’t control the weather so I don't see why we have to make the snowdays up.

End of school sports tournaments for Summit middle school.

By: Brody England

I think that at the end of the school year we should have sports tournaments for extra stuff to do. I also  think if we added this it would make it so less people are wandering around. 

Also an example for this would be to do 2v2 basketball tournaments or 3v3 football games. 

I believe if we did this we would need a teacher to be a ref because kids aren’t good refs and we need it to be fair. This would  work well because in our school we have a lot of athletic kids and last year it was really boring. 

Personally I would really like to do something competitive and if you won maybe you could get a prize.

Tooth Fairy

by Leo C.   

 Today I’m gonna be talking about if the tooth fairy is real. I believe that the tooth fairy is real because who puts the money under your bed. It can’t be your parents they have to sleep, and why would they want your teeth. Also I’ve had an encounter as well as kam and miles. I’ve also seen the tooth fairy he’s a bald,buff man with a tattoo on his pec. 

Touring Johnston Middle School

by Olivia S.

Summit students that are approaching 8th grade should get to have a tour of the middle school. 

My first reason for this is how elementary schoolers get to tour summit. It seems unfair to 7th graders because they would want to know how the school is too. A tour of the new school would be great for them because they can get an idea of the similarities and differences of the schools. 

My second reason is that it would be good to get to know the school before going. Over the summer it is good to think about the things that you know you may be learning and where you may be learning these things at. It would be good because they would be familiar with them and be more comfortable. 

My final reason that 7th graders approaching 8th should get a tour of JMS is to avoid people getting lost in the school. This will help them spend more time in class within the first week and they won’t need as much help. 

These reasons help to show why summit students should get to tour jms. 

Should Zoos Be Banned?

by Linda D.

This question has been lingering for a long time and has been debated a lot between people on both sides of the argument, but in my opinion I think that zoos should be banned and let me tell you why.

1# People bother the animals, and risk their and the animals safety. There has been an Incident at one zoo where a woman had been taunting a lion, jumping in its enclosure and dancing while the lion just watched. Although she didn’t get hurt this could have ended really badly for both the lion and the woman. That is one reason why I think zoos should be banned.

#2 Animals don’t have enough space in their enclosures.
Animals have a limited amount of freedom in zoos, in the wild animals have thousands of acres of land to roam, and in some zoos the animals are inside cages and don’t even have space to roam. Taking an animal from its home and putting it in a small enclosure with glass and/or gates is wrong, although some zoos have balanced ecosystems and give the animal some space . Most zoos give animals little space with fake grass/plants, because of this it can be incredibly stressful for the animals. That is another reason why zoos should be banned.
#3 Some animals aren’t properly cared for
Because some Zookeepers may often neglect their animals' healthcare needs. Many animals at zoos end up dying from stress or illness. The required standard of care for wild animals, such as those held by zoos, usually ranges from lot of things and is practically impossible for zoos to provide. Even the best zoos cannot fully take care of the wild animals, many smaller zoos fail to take effective measures to ensure the health/well-being of their animals. This is the final reason why I think zoos should be banned.

My opinion on paying a tip for the waiter. 

by Charlotte S.

Why I think waiters shouldn’t be tipped.

Reason one is that they shouldn’t be tipped. A lot of other countries don’t do it or it is rude. Like in South Korea, China, and Japan. They consider it rude because they take pride in how they work. They try to do their highest standards and don’t feel like they need a tip to feel appreciated. It is how you respect them, and they value how much you act and how much you respect them that makes it better than tipping. I also agree that tipping isn’t better than respect, and a lot of people think it is ok to act in a bad manner and get a 20% tip which I don’t agree with and act like it is ok to treat them badly.

Why I think waiters should be tipped. It is to show your gratitude for them, also to show you appreciate them working hard and making your food more enjoyable. People in America, Africa, and the Middle East. Tipping was found in Europe to round up the cash so if you bought food for $17.35 they would just leave a twenty, and they would receive $2.65. 

These are a couple of reasons why we should and shouldn’t tip our waiters/waitresses. I agree South Korea, China, and Japan that we shouldn’t tip them.

Opinion on Leaving Summit

by Samir

Why school should be shorter


I think that school should be shorter every year and every day because it could give kids and teenagers time for brain breaks and movement because kids have proven that to boost learning and there’s outcomes among those things and there can be many other benefits. Also another reason why kids and teens should have more time off school because kids can spend more time with their family and if your in middle school or elementary 5-6 hours or less with their family you have to spend around 6-8 hours at school I believe that’s not a lot of time with your family another reason why I think school should be shorter during the year and every day is you get more time to explore hobbies that doesn’t mean time for social media or phones scrolling sometimes they feel like they’re not enough hours a day to squeeze in after school activities. Kids should be able to have less time at school because kids get more sleep because school starts at an early time kids will have more energy for school I think it should only be 4-5 hours it gives kid and teens time to relax from going to school 5 days a week some kids feel like it is to long kids only get 2 day break from school and that’s a lot of time at school that’s why I believe that school should be shortened

I think swimming should only be on quarter 

By: Spencer   

 I think swimming should only be one quarter because we could go outside more. During the winter we should have swimming so then when winter is done, swimming would be done and then we could go outside more for p.e. Also swimming is easy to learn so we don’t need more than one quarter to learn most of it. It can maybe ruin your grades because you forget your swimming stuff.

Why we should have more school lunch options at Summit.

By Isabelle G.

     Why we should have more options for school lunch. In this opinion essay it will tell you why we should have more options for school lunch. What are the negative effects to the teachers and students at the summit in the past and in the future if we have the same foods at the summit, What is the importance of what kinds of food would kids want here at the summit, and what benefits would it provide to our school?

    To begin, why we should have more options for school lunch and what are some of the negative effects that occur with keeping the same lunches at Summit. In the classroom children who don’t eat a good lunch and don’t like the food they eat are usually more tired, less focused, and don’t do as well in their daily classes. According to Brookings.EDU a good and my nutritious lunch can improve a students learning also brookings.edu claims that Report test scores show that about 9,700 schools focus on nutritional standards because the nutritional quality of the food in the school causes physical development, and moods the how children’s behavior is, when getting the proper nutrition. When not getting the proper nutrition and lacking nutrition, it impacts educational achievements. This website also shows that the standardized test scored higher when the children menus for lunch had the proper nutrition quality and even determined that well food offerings or diets improve academics/ students education. In addition, healthcare.Utah.EDU  said that missing one meal can cause physical, emotional and social impacts to the children with negative effects. It also says that 18% of kids under 18 live with food insecurities in home and at school and when children have less confidence and more insecurities about food, they’re less ready to start kindergarten compared to kids who don’t have insecurities with food. This shows that Having more school options at lunch of food, can stop the negative effects that are occurring and will occur in the future.

    Next, why we should have more options for school lunches and what is the importance of having more options at school? The importance of having more options in school lunch are less likely food disorders, body shaming, and more confidence to each student and more expression of their culture within the new launches. Some of the most important health problems are eating disorders, which can occur within school lunches this is eating disorders which are caused by stressful challenges through many young people with school activities, and unhealthy nutrition or conversations of nutrition with good foods and bad foods taught through teaching at lunch or in health classes. According to a healthyfood.com when kids have their favorite foods, it’s entirely different than when they see the food they don’t like like greens on their plate which lead to meltdowns and upset children enjoyment is also what causes kids to be more confident with the food they like because they are usually more comfortable and relaxed when having a food day like.

    Last, why we should have more options for school lunch in the future at summit and what benefits would that provide? The benefits of having more options for school lunch would make kids one more excited for school and more active in their academics. Most kids from summit don’t like the food and say the school should have more choices and when you’re having a bad day and get a lunch that you don’t like you’re whole day gets off to a bad start but when you get foods you do like your more likely to be more positive about your day and academics and do much better in school. This evidence shows that not only we should have more school lunch options but it also provides many benefits.

    In conclusion, we should have more opinions for lunches at summit. Proven in my opinion essay that keeping the same opinions will make more negative effects to kids and teachers, the importance of having more lunches and finally the benefits that school lunches would provide.

Newspaper Project

by Michael L.

I Have To Ask Every Kind Of Teacher To See How Go Our School Is And If Their are Any School Rules To Change Our School. I Will Also Ask If Are Any More Subjects To Add To The School. I Will Also Ask If There Are Anything To The About The Deep End For The Pool And Ask If There Are Anything To Keep The Pool Warm And Not Cold 🥶. I Will Also Ask If There Is A Way To Keep The Pool Water Munch Shorter And Warmer. I Will Also Ask If Their Is A Way To Not Drown And Keep Using Floaties. I Will Also Ask If Their Is A Way For The Lunch Time Go From 20 Minutes To 40 Minutes. I Will Also Ask If We Bring Our IPads To The Lunch Room To Pick A Video Game Mod On YouTube And Put Our IPad To The Edge Of The Table To Watch. That Is All For The Newspaper Project.

Summit should switch to computers

By Jackson Allen

I think summit should switch to computers, no with that being said there are three major operating systems and those are Windows, Mac OS and chrome. 

Now Windows is my recommendation and you can view  others screens like you can with Google classroom and you can see everything that Is happening unlike Max OS and you can customize it the most. Chrome is the easiest to use and very beginner friendly unlike windows and Mac OS and you can still see others screen and chrome books are uashly cheaper then the rest. The last one is Mac OS with one of the hardest to learn and most expensive out of the ones featured. And some reasons why summit should switch to computers is typing on keyboards is far easier then using iPads and offer a better multi tasking experience and that is why summit should switch to computers.