
by Justin W.

I interviewed Dante and I asked him some questions about what he likes in the school. What he said was interesting and he had a lot to say about PE. I also interviewed Jenkins but I’m not posting it.

Buzzard Billy’s review 

By:Dominic Avon 

I am going to share my review with you, on the restaurant Buzzard Billy’s. Under is the inside of the Des Moines, Iowa location.

I really like this restaurant, I personally think this is a 5 star restaurant and is a good dinner if you are watching an event that night. One reason I like this restaurant is because they try their hardest for great service even when they are packed. They always show respect and are in good moods even during long nights and low staff.

I also love their food, all of their options sound good, and my favorite personal option is the billy cheeseburger. Their prices are also fair for the portion that they deliver. I think they do a great job and need to expand so other people in different states and maybe even countries can have Buzzard Billy’s experience’s.

Those are all of the reasons why I love buzzard Billy’s, and why I rate it 5 stars. It is located in downtown Des Moines Iowa, if you're in Des Moines be sure to check it out!

Some People think that some food is good and some are bad.

by Amel B. 

If you ever want to eat at a place go online and check the reviews. After you go and eat then go online and put a review online and that will make more people go to the place and eat there more. And some people go and eat but put a review and then people think it is bad.

I think I would give a lot of reviews and I would go online to put a review and I think I did good.

Student Spotlight: Aubrey Janss

By: Olivia Havig

     Aubrey Janss is a 7th grade student in Mission South. She is part of the Media Literacy class, and is also writing an article for our newspaper. Today, I will be interviewing Aubrey about many different things like school, sports, and more! This article will inform you about Aubrey’s opinions, thoughts, and much more!

Olivia: What is your favorite class?

Aubrey: Miss Schorg’s science class because she gives us the least amount of tests, and it is fun. 

Olivia: What do you like most about school?

Aubrey: Recess, because I get to hang out with my friends.

Olivia: What is your least favorite part of school?

Aubrey: Learning, because it hurts my brain.

Olivia: What sports do you play?

Aubrey: Softball and basketball.

Olivia: Do you think passing periods are long enough?

Aubrey: No, because I can’t get to class in two minutes!

Olivia: What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?

Aubrey: Hang out with my friends.

Olivia: What is your favorite store to shop at?

Aubrey: I don’t know, I like shopping more online.

Olivia: Where is your favorite place in the school?

Aubrey: The library, not because I like reading, but because I can see some of my friends there.

Olivia: What is your favorite/least favorite school lunch?

Aubrey: I usually bring home lunch, so I don’t know.

Olivia: What is your favorite thing to play in P.E.?

Aubrey: Volleyball, because it’s more fun than all of the other things we play.

     I hope this interview taught you a lot about Aubrey and her opinions on our school. It’s always fun to see a different person’s perspective and how they feel about many different things. That is why it is fun to interview people like Aubrey.

Tropical smoothie review 

By: Aubrey

Have you ever heard of tropical smoothie cafe. Well I am here to get you more interested in going. I will be interviewing Olivia from mission south about how she feels about tropical smoothie cafe.

Aubrey: What is your favorite smoothie from tropical smoothie

Olivia: island green smoothie

Aubrey: How many times a month do you go

Olivia: 1 or 2 times

Aubrey: what is your favorite food to get from there

Olivia: chicken pesto flatbread

Aubrey: 1//10 how do you review there decorations 

Olivia: 9/10 and it looks really cool in their

Aubrey: Is there anything else you would like to say

Olivia: the smoothie are very good and I love going

Opinion on Pizza Hut 

By Keith Aden 

I think that over all Pizza Hut is a 8.5 out of 10 because there food is good and it’s cheap there pizza great and there deserts are great but the wings,breadsticks, and chicken is ok and the drinks are also really good that’s why I recommend you go here and get something from here.

Interviewing Kelly McAlister (the Librarian)

Are you a dog person or a cat person?

McAlister: I’m a dog person.

Where do you wish to you can travel:

McAlister: Italy.

Why did you choose to be a librarian and a teacher 

McAlister: I was a teacher first so I can teach kids then I turned to being a Librarian to help kids find books that they love.

What’s your favorite color.

McAlister: blue.

Would you quit your job for 100 bucks 

McAlister: No, not enough money.

If you could have any job what would it be

McAlister: a national park ranger.

Why would you be a national park ranger

McAilster: I love going to national parks and to keep people safe.

Why do like being a librarian/teacher

McAlister: because I like to help kids

What  gets more wet the more it dries 

McAlister: a towel

How long have you been teaching

McAlister: 24 year

Where have you been teaching the most

McAlister: 5th grade in urbandale

Interviewing Izzy

By Moon

What book is she reading in the book club? 

Tower falling 

What is her favorite class?

Social studies

Fact about Izzy

Her her real name is Isabel and her hair is not blonde 

What is Izzy planning to do this summer?

Go to the pool

What is Izzy's favorite color?


How many pets are at home?


What is her favorite food?


What is Izzy's favorite video game?


Where is her favorite place or vacation?

Branson Missouri

What are her favorite animals?

Izzy's favorite animal is Turtles.


By Mya

How do you like Summit?

Answer: The school will hate me if I say.

Do you like your hat?

Answer: Yes.

What’s your favorite animal?

Answer: Rat.

Why do you wear an Hellmo pin?

Answer: Because I can.


By Edmond Sheffield 

Buffalo wings are better than barbecue wings because buffalo wings are saucy, but crispy and just delectable with your drink of choice. Don’t get me started on trash Smokey barbecue wings. I just think barbecue wings are gross because nobody goes to Buffalo Wild Wings to order barbecue wings you go to b dubs. You get buffalo wings and milkshakes.

Chicken wings

By Noah Pfalzgraf 

       I think chicken wings are the best type of chicken, the sauce is a big part of chicken wings. For example if you were just going to eat plain chicken wings it would be gross. My favorite sauce is honey BBQ. I think it is the best sauce because it is sweet and it is not spicy.

My reasons why wings are the best are because they are rich in protein as well as natural B vitamins, including B1-B6 and B12, as well as essential fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, K, and E. They also have a wide range of minerals including potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium, iodine, selenium, chromium, and copper.

Average favorite Ice Cream

By Adrian

Today I’m interviewing people on their favorite ice cream flavor and I will find the average favorite. I think chocolate, vanilla, cookies and cream will be the top three favorites. Cookies and cream were the most favorite Ice cream flavors.

     Student spotlight 

Hi my name is Austyn and I will be interviewing Tayshaun about school.

1 How’s your time at summit. 

2 What’s your favorite subject at school. 

3 What do you dislike about school and what do you like about school. 

 4 What are you planning to do over the summer. 

5 What’s your favorite thing to do after school.

1 it’s been fun,annoying, chill and cool.

2 PE and Art.

3 Doesn’t like math or science but likes some of the teachers and friends also he hates people that bully.

4 baseball,basketball, and play with friends.

5 work out, play video games, and go to practice

Student spotlight

Made by:Ezina

Molly Bilyeu

Q:What is your favorite subject?

A:  Writing

Q:What sports do you play?

A:  Volleyball

Q:What store do you shop at most?

A:  Lululemon

Q:Favorite ice cream flavor?

A:  Strawberry/Mint

Q:What sport do you like to watch?

A:  All of them❤️

Q:Favorite hobby to do in summer?

A:  Hang with friends

Q: What’s a place you want to visit?

A:  Hawaii again

Q:What’s your favorite place you visited?

A:  Dominican Republic

Q:Sweat or sour?

A:  Both!

Q:What is your favorite season? Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall

A:  Spring/Fall

Q:Do you have any siblings?

A:  1 Sister