
Mrs. Dunn Hayward’s Retirement

By Nico M

Many people might not know that Mrs. Dunn Hayward, one of the band teacher at Summit, is retiring. 

This is her last year at Summit as she will leave Summit on June 1st this year after teaching for 33 years in many different areas, such as Sanborn, Iowa, Holy Trinity DSM, Southeast Polk, Johnston, and Carrol, Iowa. She first wanted to teach because many of her family members were teachers themselves.  The exact reason she wants to leave is to spend more time with her family.

Her motive is to teach kids music as she loves to see them grow with their instrument. A question I had asked her was about what impact she wanted on the kids.

NM: “What kind of impact did you want on the kids?”

MDH: “I hope I teach them to be respectful, kind, hardworking, happy people, while learning new instruments. In band, we work as a team. We help each other be the best we can be.”

She might visit Summit after her retirement, and please respect her retirement as she has worked hard to achieve everything she has done in the past years of her teaching. 

Thank you for reading this article.

A quote from her is, “Music is the universal language. You can enjoy and participate with music forever.” - Mary Dunn-Hayward

Effects of Bullying 

By Eve 

First: there are different types of bullying: physical, mental, and cyber.

Second: Each can have a different effect and outcome. 

Third: the outcome can change the one who was or is being bullied.

Physical bullying is when someone is touching you or hurting you.This type of bullying can have a huge effect on people, for example they could turn into bullies or become depressed hurt themselves or sadly even turn suicidal. 

Mental bullying is when bullies say things that affect how you feel about yourself, for example saying stuff like “you’re fat” “you’re ugly”. It can also cause depression or make you want to change how you look.

Cyber bullying is when someone bullies people online they could post personal information about you like what you look like or where you live. Someone who is being cyber bullied can have low self-esteem and self-confidence, in severe cases leading to mental health issues, self-harm or even suicide.

Bullying can make people feel even worse about themselves than before. Some bullies might have been bullied once too. It’s important to understand the effects of bullying because it has a bigger effect than we know.

Why no social or talent show?

Hello I’m Kam fuller with Squiggly wiggly news and I’m here to interview Leo Carlin and Lex leach and Alice why or why not they think we should have the social and talent show 

Do you want the social and talent show at summit middle school to happen again ?

Leo: yes because we can see are friends 

Lex: yes I think it’s stupid we are not doing it.

Alice: because it helps new kid’s socialize better.

Why do you think the teacher are not having the social and the talent show ?

Leo: because they don’t like me

Lex: because they don’t like the idea

Alice: because they don’t think we deserve after we worked too hard to get to the end of the year

Do you think if we do have the social and the talent show teacher and parents would volunteer to help out ?


Lex:yes I do


Why do you think the teachers got our hopes up for the social and the talent show and now we are not doing it ?

Leo:because they are mean 

Lex: because they did not take us into consideration 

Alice: they want us to feel bad 

Do you agree that summit should follow tradition for the social and talent show ?


Lex: yes they should follow tradition because it’s important to us

Alice yes because we done this last year and we should keep up the tradition just because we got a new principal does not think we have to change it 

Therapy Dogs 

by Korvin C.


   What made you decide to make Winnie a Therapy Dog?

I’ve always wanted to, she’s a great dog and I wanted to share that at school. Felt my students and others could benefit.

   Do you think she has helped the students at Summit Middle School?

Yes she has helped a lot,  to only with my students but all students. Regulates emotions, meditation. 

   Would you recommend having a therapy dog at all schools? 

Yes 100%. The impact they make is great and everyone benefits. 


    What made you decide to make Dex a Therapy Dog?

I like helping children. 

      Do you think he has helped the students at Summit Middle School?


   Would you recommend having a therapy dog at all schools? 

Yes I would! 

Wrigley and Wrangler

       What made you decide to make the girls a Therapy Dog?

To help my own children that have anxiety, and I knew that would help the children at summit middle school.

   Do you think she has helped the students at Summit Middle School?

Yes they have. The dogs love going room to room helping students. 

      Would you recommend having a therapy dog at all schools? 

Yes it can benefit all students. 

School boats at the end of the year

by Juju V.

The school boats activity is on may,31.The material we use is cardboard,and tape,also we are doing in the pool.we are limited with 4 partners and you have to get the boats across the pool without drowning.there haves to be 2 people in the boats before you start so you can get 2 paddles,and if you passed the swim test you can choose if you want to wear a life jacket.If you didn’t pass the swim test than you have to wear one to be safe.

Last Day of School

by Zach B. 

What do people in mission think the last day of school will be like…

Zach B (ME): “Full of different Sports and Activities with NO WORK”

Mikey P: “A bunch of Football”

Joseph P: “Frickin Insane”

Piper L: “No Work”

Leo C: “With Tabby”

Sammy K: “No work, and lots of fun”

Mitch P: “Lots of Umpiring outside while playing Baseball”

Sara B & Juna M: “Fun but im going to be sad”

Maddy K: “No Work”

Henry S: “Probably like a Sport thing?”

What people do at recess and what it’s like

By Nick Z.

They play a sport like soccer, football or basketball or they play a game like 9 square or Gaga ball. People also walk around or talk with friends which the staff don’t like that much for some reason or gossip. Also there are a lot of arguments or almost fights. What people want is a water fountain or two so they don’t start dying, get more good basketball and also reinflate the balls. SOME DO NOT BOUNCE. Also just more balls for more fun. Grady said he wanted a boxing ring, paintball, wrestling ring, and a baseball field.

Summit middle school band teacher retiring  

by Kinzey D.

Did you guys know that mrs dunn-Hayward is retiring?

Well it’s true she is the band teacher for summit and she is retiring. This document is to show everyone how great of a teacher she is and how a great hard worker she is. She has been here for 18 years and this year she is going to be retiring so this is just a reminder that she is leaving and to show her how much we cared for her:).

               Garden club 


I will be interested in interviewing the garden club of summit middle school and get their opinion on what it's like to be in the garden club. 

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