Early Childhood Special Education

The Johnson Creek School District offers a screening program available to children whose parents have concerns about their child’s development. Concerns can include, but are not limited to: gross motor, fine motor, cognitive, speech and language, social-emotional, self-help skills, and pre-academic skills. Students can be referred for a screening beginning at 2.5-years-old.

Parents can call Katie Schwarzenbacher at 920-541-4801 ext. 3820 or email schwarzenbacherk@johnsoncreekschools.org to discuss any concerns about a child's development.

The Early Childhood Special Education Program:

Johnson Creek’s Early Childhood Program (often referred to as “EC”) is a program for students ages 3-5 under qualification basis. The early childhood program is held 4 days a week for 3 hours a day. Students who qualify for related services will be able to receive their therapy during the school day. Related services are providers like occupational therapy, physical therapy, or speech therapy. A qualified child can start our program on or after their 3rd birthday and will remain in our program until they are age eligible for our 4-year-old Kindergarten (4K) classroom. Typically, students will complete 1-2 years of early childhood before moving on to the next grade level. The early childhood classroom is equipped with a bathroom so students can work on toilet training. The daily schedule includes a calendar time, a story time, music, a snack, sensory play, free play, pre-academic activities and more. Students who qualify can receive transportation to and from school from anywhere in Johnson Creek School District. 

Eligibility Requirements:

A student must qualify for the early childhood special education program by meeting all three of the following:

Program Hours:

Monday-Thursday from (NO class on Fridays)

AM Session: 7:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.

PM Session: 11:45 a.m. - 2:50 p.m.

Eligibility Requirements:

Ways to refer a child or have your child screened:

A referral needs to include the child's name, date of birth, contact information for the parents/guardians, and the concerns for the child's development. 

This information needs to be submitted in written format (mail, e-mail, or written letter) to the school to start the evaluation process.

Information on our program:

Meet Our Early Childhood Staff

Wendy Belongia

Early Childhood Paraprofessional




920-541-4801 ext. 3820

Katie Schwarzenbacher

Early Childhood Special Education Teacher




920-541-4801 ext. 3820

Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

What is an IEP.pdf

What is an "IEP"?

IEP stands for Individualized Education Plan/Program

An individualized education plan (IEP) is a written education plan for students who are eligible for special education services. An IEP talks about classroom help and changes that are needed to meet the student’s individual goals. The IEP is created by a team of individuals from different specialties. The team may include a special education teacher or therapists (like occupational, physical and speech therapy). 

This plan is reviewed at least once every calendar year by holding a meeting (virtual or in person) to assess the student’s progress with all of the team members who service the child. 

Before an IEP can be written, a student must be considered eligible for special education. Federal law states that a team of individuals with different specialties must determine that a student has a disability and requires specialized services to benefit from and be successful in a general education program. 

**Please note that all students enrolled in our early childhood special education program have qualified for services and have an IEP in place.