English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

ESOL Program Coordinator: Marcia Rizzardi

The ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages Department was developed to provide a comprehensive K-12 program for English  Learners (ELs). In the Jacksonville North Pulaski School District, we serve close to 200 students who speak  eight different languages. As our world changes, so do the experiences and language levels of our students.  Our department's mission is to empower English Language Learners to access all possibilities/opportunities available in the educational system by developing language skills, self-confidence, and cultural awareness as quickly and efficiently as possible. 

ESOL Specialists

Mrs. Denise Crace

Bayou Meta Elementary and

Bobby G. Lester Elementary


Mrs. Breanna Daniel

Murrell Taylor Elementary and Bobby G. Lester Elementary


Mrs. Morgan Fonda

Jacksonville High School


Mrs. Teresa Munoz

Jacksonville Elementary School


Mr. David Werden

Jacksonville Middle School


Mrs. Marcia Rizzardi, JNPSD ESOL Coordinator:  mrizzardi@jnpsd.org

ESOL Important Links