ボストン日本語学校 PTA

Japanese Language School PTA

PTA会費 / PTA Dues

会費は各家庭10ドル です/ PTA Dues are $10 per family

令和6年度(2024年)に限る/For the year, 2024


Deadline May 31st  for 2024 PTA Dues 

支払い方法 / Payment Method





PTA dues can be paid by Paypal or Zelle with the amount, $10.00. 
Please indicate your oldest child's Student Number (or name) in Memo area so that we can track your payment. 
Please contact PTA treasurer via email treasurer@jlsbostonpta.org if you need receipt or if you have questions. 

Thank you very much for your support.  




(**Donate Nowのブルーのボタンクリックするに記入

Please write/enter  your oldest child's Student Number (or Name) by clicking the message on the 2nd page so we can track your payment.  (**Please be sure to enter BEFORE you click BLUE "Donate Now" Button)  

QR Code to PayPal




Japanese Language School of Greater Bost


支払いの工程で出てくるMemoAdd messageの欄に長子の生徒番号(あるいは生徒名)を記入してください。記入出来なかった場合は、お手数ですがtreasurer@jlsbostonpta.orgまでご連絡下さい。

With this link, you will be redirected to Zelle website to find your Bank.  After logging into your Bank Account, you will have to enter the amount, $10.00.  

Below name should appear on Send to page.  (Note:  system did not allow us to indicate the complete name)  

Japanese Language School of Greater Bost 


Please write/enter  your oldest child's Student Number (or Name)  on Memo, Add message area so we can track your payment.  If you miss this step, please email us at treasurer@jlsbostonpta.org .

QR Code to Zelle