Visitor Entry to Campus

All IASAS athletes, coaches and visitors will be given a decorative ID badge created for IASAS Basketball that will serve as the JIS gate/security pass for entry to campus. Participants must present the gate/security pass to JIS security guards when entering and leaving campus. Pedestrian access to the campus is via the Terogong Gate (Gate 1), located on Jalan Terogong Raya No. 33, up the hill from Hotel Kristal. Turn left as you leave the hotel. Should you choose to walk to or from the Kristal Hotel, be alert, keep your valuables secure and carry your handbag away from traffic.

Vehicles without JIS stickers are not allowed to drive into and/or park at JIS. However, the ID badge created for this event can be shown for vehicle entry to allow for host family pick-up and drop-off of event participants.