
Most participants I can reach were either classmates or members of my community service team (First Step), therefore most were between 13-18 and female, and the type of volunteer work we do is similar.

There was a total of 84 participants in this survey. Most participants were 13-18 years old, followed by over 18, and only 4.8% were 12 or younger. This is most likely because many of them were my classmates.

Most participants were female.

Participants were asked how often they do community service. Responses were split somewhat evenly, with more doing community service less than once a month and less doing community service more than once a week.

Participants were asked where their community service hours come from if they were students. Most answered that their community service hours came from outside of school.

Participants were asked what types of community service they have done, and they were given the option to select all answers that apply and to add their own answers. 58.3% of participants said they have done community service related to the environment, which is most likely because many of them are in the community service team a few of my friends and I started, and the main thing we do is to pick up trash that people have left in public places. 46.4% of participants have volunteered at a food bank (anywhere, any organization), which was the second most selected option. The third most selected option was fundraising (for any organization), which was selected by 44% of participants.

(The last 11 options were added as "other" options by participants.)

At the end of the survey, I added an optional question about where participants were on the stress continuum by self assessment, and most answered that they were in between "thriving" and "surviving."

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