Oscar Trujillo

ESL Instructor


Hometown: Originally from Manizales, Colombia, and I have been living in Lexington, KY since 2005.

Hobbies: Reading and studying world maps. I like to find the geographic location of countries and places.

How long have you been working in adult education?

When I came to Kentucky, I started working at Transylvania University as a Spanish Instructor. Then, I started working as a GED Instructor (Spanish) from 2011 and as an ESL Instructor for Beginners since 2016.

What do you like most about your job?

What I like most about my job, is to help adults improve their second language skills. It is very rewarding for me to see them succeed and feel happy with themselves. Since my students come from different cultures and countries, I also enjoy the interaction between all of us and how we learn from each other.

What do you want students to know about your class or our program?

In my experience, I have seen that internal motivation gives my students the drive that they need to accomplish their goals. Most of them come to class expecting to improve their English skills to find a good job and obtain a better life for them and their family. So, I make sure that they feel comfortable and secure to learn on their own pace and enjoy being in my class.

What subject was difficult for you in school?

When I was in school, I liked all the subjects, but art. Drawing and Crafts were always very hard for me.

What are two things most people don't know about you?

Most people do not know that I am left-handed and that is why I have difficulty when I am writing on the board. Something else that people do not know about me is that I am shy when I must speak in front of an audience.