
Current & future Events

Have a great summer Sharks!

Past Events


Festivals are run by ASBC and are done after school in the cafeteria. 

Oceana will have 2-3 fests between Halloween, Winter and Spring Fest. There is no entrance fee and tickets can be purchased, if chosen. Tickets can be found at the student store in the cafeteria, and are purchased with money. There are fun games and activities as well as food which can be played and purchased with tickets. 


Fairs at Oceana are put together by the club council committee with the help of ASBC and are held during lunch.

Oceana will have at least 3 fairs; club, harvest, and interim fair. Club fair is different from harvest/interim fair, as it provides a chance for students to know what clubs are available for the school year and it is not a profitable event for clubs. Harvest/interim fair provides a chance for clubs (with the inclusion of interims) at Oceana to raise money by selling foods or drinks of their choice.


Dances at Oceana are put together by the dance committee with the help of ASBC. 

Oceana will typically have 2-3 casual school dances at school which are inexpensive. At these casual dances, students and guests of students can enjoy dancing to music, playing board games, and/or watching a movie. 

Oceana also has Prom for seniors and juniors (although not excluded to lowerclassmen as guests). 


Rallies at Oceana are put together by the rally committee with the help of ASBC and is held during the last hour of the school day. The rally committee is also in charge of creating the spirit days leading up to the day of rally.

Oceana has two rallies a year, one being a step-up rally. All grades participate in playing a series of games and competing in class dances, all in order to have the most spirit points. Spirit week also provides a chance for classes to obtain more spirit point through meeting the requirements for the specific spirit day criteria, as well as playing spirit games during lunch time.