Academic Council


Katlynn Nguyen

Senior Head AC Representative

Tatum Pon

Junior AC Representative

What we do

We are the student Academic Council (AC) representatives. In a nutshell, our job is to represent student interests at AC, but we also do a lot more behind the scenes as well.

One of our primary roles is serving as voting members of Academic Council, the decision making body of our school. AC is comprised of representatives of all Oceana stakeholders, including administration, classified staff, teachers, parents and students. As members of AC, we discuss and vote (by consensus) on various proposals that have the potential to change our school.

Our overarching goal is the same of that of ASB's, as well as that of Oceana's other student organizations: to improve student life. We are actively working to incorporate programs and practices that will encourage student voice, including our Advisory Council.

Academic Council meets every Thursday after school in Room 207 from 3:30 to 5:15, and everyone is invited to join. If you ever have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact any one of us.  After all, we are here to represent you. :))

learn more about our COmmittee in this video!