

Faith Bobis

ASBC Treasurer

Jayden Vong

Senior Treasurer

Sean Periolat

Junior Treasurer

Cesar R. Pumacayo Galindo

Sophomore Treasurer


Freshman Treasurer

What We Do

We handle all the finances of ASBC events and hold the forms required to organize them. These events can vary from club fairs to school festivals. We work closely with the school cashier and audit the organizations' (i.e. clubs) currencies or funds. Additionally, we are in charge of all fundraising events which means everything that involves money has to be run through and approved by this committee.

10 Things You Should Know About Securing the Bag

1. Never handle money alone. Best practice is to have a treasurer with you or at least another ASB member.

2. Always ask for help if youʼre not sure what to do. Chances are someone knows the answer.

3. Always take a second to write down when people owe you money. You canʼt really ask people for money later on if you donʼt have proof. 

4. Everyone likes to storm the student store the last selling day. Just take a breath and calm down. Again call for help if needed.

5. Count and recount and then have someone else do it again.

6. You have to make money to spend money. You really can’t fundraise too much. Get creative.

7. Your friends will ask for discounts or ious. Even if itʼs a joke the answer is no.

8. Remember that cash you set aside in the drawer? DONʼT FORGET ABOUT IT

9. Donʼt steal....weʼll know.

10. Hopefully it never happens, but in the event that youʼre somehow missing money, itʼs not the end of the world. Itʼll suck but weʼll figure it out.

learn more about our COmmittee in this video!