Wolf Pack Weekly

Echo Trail Middle School Weekly Newsletter


October 9, 2023 

Hello Wolf Pack Families!

I hope everyone has enjoyed Fall Break and refreshed to start another grEaT week at Echo Trail! I know we are excited to welcome students back and have a wonderful start to October. Whenever we return from any break, we will take time to review expectations and make sure we have a smooth transition back to school. 

We will be rolling out our HERO Program to our students this week. This is a digital software where we reward students with points for positive behavior. Points can only be earned and not taken away. Students will receive points based on our GREAT Pillars of Success. More information and a slide deck will be shared with all the details. All students will receive a lanyard and ID card that they will need to wear everyday to receive points.  

After some thought, the PTSA and I have agreed to postpone our Fall Festival to the Spring to allow more time between big events that support our school. 

Thank you for a wonderful Parent Teacher Conference Day, we loved having Student Led Conferences! Our students are doing wonderful things in each of their classes.


Uniform Written Guidance

Uniform Slide Deck (visuals)

Spirit Store Items and Uniform Approved Items

Common Items we are correcting:

Week at a Glance


HERO Kick-Off



Girls and Boys Basketball Try-Outs


Girls and Boys Basketball Try-Outs

Yearbook Cover Deadline


Girls and Boys Basketball Try-Outs


XC KTCCCA Meet of Champions - State Championship

Save the Date(s)

10/14/23 JCPS Showcase of Schools
10/27/23 Echo Trail Harvest Festival 6-8pm


Dr. Ammerman, Principal
Twitter: @KaraJo_Ammerman

Important Information & Upcoming Events

School Picture Day

School Picture Day is Tuesday, October 17. Students will wear their regular school uniforms for school pictures. 

Yearbook Photo Submissions

Hello Echo Trail community!

As our school year gets underway, I'd like to offer the opportunity for our community to submit photos from various ETMS events taking place. These photos will be considered for use in our first ever yearbook! 

Please use the form linked here and contact kari.ward@jefferson.kyschools.us if you have any questions or feedback. The form will remain open throughout the school year (until the yearbook has to be finalized), so feel free to bookmark it for future reference.

I can't wait to see all the amazing activities that are shared!

School Contacts

If you need to reach out to any of our administrators, front office staff, core content teachers or other staff, you can find their names, roles and emails on our school website: bit.ly/echotrailmiddle

Eligibility Benefits Form

We are required to have an Eligibility Benefits Form (EBF) filled out for every family at Echo Trail Middle School. The link to complete online is below. 

IT IS IMPERATIVE that we receive a completed form from every family to retain our free breakfast and lunch status for all students

Our records indicate that half of our student population still needs to complete the online form. If you have not completed, please do so IMMEDIATELY! We appreciate your assistance. 

If we can offer any assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us 485-8398. Thanks for taking care of this form immediately. 

From the Nurse:

This is a reminder to all parents to turn in paperwork to the school regarding your child's health conditions, 6th grade wellness check from your doctor, and immunizations

We will be having a Vaccine and Health Clinic here at school October 24, 2023. If your child needs a physical or vaccines, we can do it the day of the clinic. You will be receiving and email regarding the clinic. Please sign and return any paper work needed to participate in the clinic.

Thank you, G. Patton RN


XC are the JCPS Champs!

Congratulations to the Cross Country team for finishing first and becoming the JCPS 6th Grade Champs! What a fantastic win for the first year!

The Boys and Girls teams will compete in the State Championship this Saturday, Oct 14, in the Lexington. Good luck and Go Wolf Pack!

Echo Trail Clubs

ET Clubs Info

Echo Trail STLP - Monday, Oct 9

Do you have a student who is always figuring out how technology works? Is your kiddo curious and creative, designing with digital tools? Do they love sharing their passions with others?

Whatever aspect your student takes with technology, there's room for them in the Student Technology Leadership Program. Come check it out when we have our kick off on Monday, October 9, 2:30-3:30pm in Mr. Etter's Room 129 (Art Room).

Questions? Email Michael Etter, michael.etter@jefferson.kyschools.us 

Parklands Trail Club

The Parkland’s Trail Club will take our third hike on October 12th.  We will be hiking the Valley Of The Giants Trail.  It is located in the Beckley Creek Park, and is 0.63 miles long.  

It’s named after the sycamores that tower above Floyds Fork.  We will set out from the Sara and W.L. Lyons Brown Bridge and head to the southern end of Beckley Creek Park toward the Grand Allee or up to Echo Trail and Trestle Point. 

Contact brian.dunkley@jefferson.kyschools.us for more information. 

Donuts for FCA

FCA is looking for parents to sponsor donuts for our weekly meetings.

Click here to sign up for a slot via our SignUp Genius!

Student Y

For more information about Student Y, look over the flier below (click here for full image), head over to the official webpage or contact Ms. Bonomo, casey.bonomo@jefferson.kyschools.us.

If interested, students (or parents) can email Ms. Bonomo and she will add them to the Google Classroom. 

Right now, we are going to meet every Thursday from 2:30-3:30 in room 225, starting September 29th.
If that changes, we will communicate via the Google Classroom.

Wolf Pack Athletics

Echo Trail Athletics Page

We are excited to put all our Echo Trail athletic offerings in an easy to find place: bit.ly/etathletics

Not only will you find the necessary forms (Sports Physicals and JCPS Sports Parent Forms), you'll find our Fall, Winter, Spring and Spirit (year-round) sports offerings with Head Coach contact information. Also, we are always looking for active involvement from our parents and community, so if you have a passion for an athletic event, please reach out to me so we can get your connected.

Make sure to follow us on X (Twitter) to see all the action that's happening every week!

Kyle Carden, Athletic Director | kyle.carden@jefferson.kyschools.us
Twitter: @ETMS_WolfPack 

Repeat Information

Support the Echo Trail Music Department

Please support our Echo Trail Music Department by making an online donation through InstaRaise

Each music class is raising support for classroom supplies such as sheet music, instrument accessories, and bringing in guest artists to work with our growing musicians. See the appropriate links below to donate to either the Band, Choir, or Modern Music classrooms.
Band: https://instaraise.com/echotrailmsband/support 
Choir: https://instaraise.com/echotrailmschoir/support 
Modern Music: https://instaraise.com/echotrailmsmodernmusic/support 

Counseling Request Form

If your student has an academic question or social-emotional need, you can reach our counselors (Mr. Rul-lan and/or Ms. Thomas) or our Mental Health Practioner (MHP) Mrs. Sanders by filling out the Counselor Google Form.

1st Grading Window

The grading window for the first 9 weeks is quickly approaching. The window will end on Wednesday, October 25th. 

Take a look at the slide deck to find out how you can access your child's grades and to see what progress they are making in each of their courses.

Having difficulty viewing the slide deck? Click here.

Grading Update - Margot Smith

Standard Based Grading

At Echo Trail, we are committed to ensuring that students develop the necessary skills that will help them work towards demonstrating mastery on various standards in each subject area. We will utilize Standards Based Grading to provide on-going feedback on your child’s performance. Students will be given multiple opportunities to show application of their learning on daily tasks and assignments as well as on assessments. 

In accordance with the JCPS Student Handbook, teachers will use the conversion chart below when communicating with students and families. We look forward to working together with you to help your child have a successful year.

Weekly Newsletter

Errors? Omissions? If something is missing or needs to be corrected, please email Michael Etter, michael.etter@jefferson.kyschools.us.