Summer Literacy Boost

Reading Recovery Teacher, Engelhard Literacy Lab Creator, Literacy Leader, Reading Enthusiast

"Learning is an experience. Everything else is just information." -Albert Einstein

I served as the Summer Literacy Boost Academic Site Leader at Stopher Elementary in 2019. I oversaw 15 teachers and their implementation of the Jan Richardson RISE framework as an intervention for struggling readers and writers throughout JCPS.

Students selected for SLB are identified as struggling readers by districtwide MAP scores with rising first and second graders. Teachers are asked to design and implement early literacy lessons with Richardson's responsive literacy framework. As the Academic Site Leader, I ensured that teachers implemented the framework with fidelity, used student data to design instruction, and administered assessments appropriately. I also modeled lessons, coached teachers, compiled data, and maintained the physical resources and materials teachers needed. I supported teachers by ensuring that they understood the procedures and, more importantly, the purpose of each component of the RISE framework; I then helped them make shifts in their teaching to positively impact student achievement.

We, of course, celebrated with lunch and sharing at the end of the program! Overall, my capacity as a leader grew as I worked with the students and teachers of SLB.