JCPS Social Studies

Issue #41 10.11.22

Social Studies Colleagues, 

As always, we hope that you all are doing well and rocking social studies education! 

We've made some updates to the website which we are excited about. We are also planning to rethink how we deliver professional development to PLCs and departments this year. Because of the hiccups of "deployment," wherein, for example, Ryan was gone for two weeks, it is difficult to plan across the year. But we know teachers need and want professional learning. One of our solutions, which we will be emailing to department chairs and AICs, is to book time where we come to you! This will help us individualize the professional learning that you all need, at the time that you all need it. We will offer hours or district stipend. More soon!

Several are attending the Kentucky Council for the Social Studies this weekend; hope to see you all there! 

Ryan New, Rebecca Ingram, Vincent Tinker

Share this link with your colleagues to join the Newsletter notifications! Don't miss out on the great information and opportunities!

What's New on the Website 

JCPS Website Layout

In an effort to simplify and streamline our website, we've created and will be updating a "Start here" page. On this page will be videos that will give tutorials, overviews, and examples. 

This one-pager is quick look at professional development options for Social Studies this year. Please also see Upcoming PD for additional information.

Curriculum Tracker: September Data

The following shows our progress on the curriculum. We have prioritized 5th-8th grades, but are working on all contents. On the top, Lessons Complete and Lessons to Go show us where we are in the total. The green is the good news. 872 completed lessons from us, DBQ, and SHEG are complete and linked with sources. The red is the challenge with 323 lessons to go. Each lesson, with sources, takes around 4-6 hours to complete. If you have anything to help, let us know. 

Curriculum Tracker 10.11.22.pdf

WEbsite Data: September (Only)

Website Usage by City

Website Usage by Page

Professional Learning

Fall 2022 PD Opportunities

Utilizing Case Studies to Build Geographic Skills in AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY

Led by JCPS' own Allison Cecil
October 20th 3:30-6:30 pm
duPont Manual High School

Participants will learn about the benefits along with the challenges of using case studies in the context of the AP Human Geography Course. Korea will be the key example case study utilized during the session. Participants will have access to a free digital atlas of Korea along with lesson plans that have been developed and tested by experienced APHG teachers. Please bring a laptop to the session. PD & District Stipend available.

Sign up on Vector by 10/19!

How can I use the DBQ Project to support inquiry?

Experience the Document Based Question (DBQ) method for source analysis and argumentation development while using the DBQ Online platform, accessed via Clever in JCPS. In the introductory session, participants will learn the 6-Step method and experience it in action from the Student and Teacher view. Through other various sessions, teachers can use the DBQ resources and lesson designs for learning to intentionally scaffold organizational tasks, formative performance tasks, and summative performance tasks to improve claims and arguments.

See our 2022-23 line up dates & information below!

10.12- DBQ 101 Self-Paced Course Celebration 4:30-5:30 pm
10.26- DBQ Middle/High 101 Part 2 3:30-5:30 pm
In Part 2 of this two part session, participants will continue their learning with the DBQ 6-Step Method and how to use the DBQ Online platform for building and implementing document based questions for inquiry. They will be tasked with designing and implementing a DBQ with their students before meeting again on the second day. On the second day, participants will dive deeper into the organizational task of bucketing to help students build their evidence to craft their responses, norming around rubric expectations within student work, and finally how to extend the argument to help students take the next step in developing their arguments.
Sign up on Vector for join information.
11.2- DBQ Elementary 101 Part 2 4:30-6:30 pm
In Part 2 of this two part session, participants will continue their learning with the DBQ 6-Step Method and how to use the DBQ Online platform for building and implementing document based questions for inquiry. They will be tasked with designing and implementing a DBQ with their students before meeting again on the second day. On the second day, participants will dive deeper into the organizational task of bucketing to help students build their evidence to craft their responses, norming around rubric expectations within student work, and finally how to extend the argument to help students take the next step in developing their arguments.
Sign up on Vector for join information.
11.14- DBQ Collaborative Writing Alternatives for DBQ Essay 4:30-6:00 pm
Sometimes, even after successful document analysis and opportunities for debate and dialogue, students will still produce lackluster writing.  But why? Many students are unsure of the elements of a proficient argument and often lack confidence when writing. Educators attending this session will walk away with strategies to utilize gradual release in DBQ writing. Join us for a DBQ Relay, an adventure in collaborative writing.
Sign up on Vector for join information.

1.18- DBQ Norming and Calibration with Rubrics 4:30-6:30 pm
2.8- DBQ Extending the Argument 4:30-6:30 pm
2.27- DBQ Transferring the 6-Step Method to Everyday Lessons 4:30-6:30 pm
3.13- DBQ Using Dialogue and Debate to Improve Student Writing: A Closer Look at Thrash-Out 4:30-6:00 pm
4.10- DBQ Collaborative Writing Alternative for DBQ Essay 4:30-6:00 pm

Mikva Learning Opportunities

How can you support the development of civically engaged citizens? Join our Mikva learning sessions throughout the year to learn more about implementing the JCPS Civic Dispositions and civic engagement into your classroom. Opportunities to implement the Communicating Conclusions inquiry standards for civic engagement abound and Mikva can help you find a way to do so! Work with our Mikva Coordinating partner, Ken Porter, to implement the Mikva curriculum and scaffolding to participate in the Soapbox Challenge. Learn more about Mikva and to see some awesome student Soapbox submissions on our Mikva Page

Upcoming Event! 10/19 4:30-6:00 pm Virtual
Join us to begin or continue the conversation with implementing Soapbox, Mikva curriculum, or Student Voice Committees.
Sign up on Vector for join information.

Dates of importance: 10/19, 1/25, 3/22, 4/19, 5/18 (all times 4:30-6:00 pm), & 2/22 (4:30-6:00 pm)
Soapbox Mainstage Event - 1/18 (time & location TBD)

Join the Curriculum Leadership Team

If you are interested in being a part of reviewing and designing Social Studies Curriculum, sign up now to join the team

We are looking for Social Studies leaders in the district to help refine, expand, and inform the JCPS Social Studies Curriculum. Join the leadership team today!

We are looking for three to four Social Studies teacher leaders for the following grades: K-4, 5, 6, 7,  8, U.S., World, Civics

Leadership Responsibilities will include:

* Reviewing inquiry lessons for source and standard alignment
* Adding sources
* Creation of new compelling and supporting questions
* Support in addressing questions or calls for review of inquiry lessons or sources

Dates of importance: 11.21, 1.26, 5.11

Community PD OPportunities

Teaching Kentucky's Native Story

November 15, 2022
4:45 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.  Frazier History Museum
Cost: FREE!

Registration: Advance reservations are required, click here to sign up!

What do we know about Kentucky’s Native History, and how far it dates back? Native Peoples first arrived in the land we now call Kentucky more than 12-thousand years ago and there is much to discover. Join us for an evening with a range of experts to deepen your understanding of Kentucky’s story, learn to distinguish facts from myth regarding Kentucky’s Indigenous People, and discover resources for broadening your knowledge-base to support your work with students.

The beginning of the evening will be guided by A. Gwynn Henderson, Education Director at Kentucky Archaeological Survey and LaDonna Brown, Historic Preservation Officer of the Chickasaw Nation and consultant to the Frazier History Museum for The Commonwealth:Divided We Fall exhibition. Afterwards, educators will join the public for an engaging presentation in the museum’s Brown-Forman Theatre to consider questions such as: What tribes were here? How did they live and what happened to them?  And what about current day in Kentucky and beyond, and the stories still unfolding? 

To enjoy a brief video introduction to the Native American section of The Commonwealth exhibition with Frazier Museum Curator, Amanda Briede, click here.

JCPS will provide professional learning credit based upon sign in at event and submission of request for PD credit with attendance certificate from the event to Rebecca Ingram.

See Upcoming PD for most up to date information & PD Offerings

Student Participation Opportunities

Local Connections to the Underground Railroad- Virtual Programming

FREE to Title I Schools!

The Frazier History Museum in downtown Louisville is pleased to announce that generous funding granted from Kentucky Humanities will allow us to share virtual programming focused on Kentucky connections to the Underground Railroad at no cost to Title 1 schools.


Participating educators will receive a pre-recorded video performance offered by Frazier Museum actor Brian West titled “The Runaway” – as well as an inquiry and related resources for utilizing The Journey project in their classrooms.


Please email to request the video performance and related resources be sent via email. Include your school name, county, grade level(s), and the approximate # of students you plan to use the materials with.


Deadline to request is October 26, 2022.

Grant Funding: Free Programming to Title I Schools

LG&E AND KU Foundation in support of Frazier Museum
The Frazier Museum education team is excited to announce a 2022 grant award from the LG&E  and KU Foundation that will support free programming for Title I schools in Kentucky! Funding will cover on-site field trips, outreach performances at schools, virtual field trips, and teacher professional development.
To learn more about program options or make reservation click here.

Please direct any question to

Upcoming Conference

102ND NCSS Annual Conference

December 2-4, 2022  Philadelphia, PA

Click here for more information on this year's conference.