JCPS Social Studies

Issue #38 5.10.22

JCPS SOCIAL STUDIES Newsletter Issue #38

Social Studies Colleagues, 

Summer is upon us! May each day of summer be exactly what you hoped it'd be. Are you ready for Summer PD opportunities? (We get it!) 

Major Changes are coming for our Curriculum. We will be phasing out the google docs and redirecting folks to the website. Additionally, we will have more planning tools and resources for next year! Feel we need something? Please email us! 

As always we are here to support and champion you. We've already booked individual planning time for next year for teachers, PLCs, and departments. If you're interested, please reach out! 

Ryan New, Rebecca Ingram, Vincent Tinker

Top 5 on this Issue 

Curriculum Tracker: April Data 

The following shows our progress on the curriculum. We have prioritized 5th-8th grades, but are working on all contents. On the top, Lessons Complete and Lessons to Go show us where we are in the total. The green is the good news. 658 completed lessons from us, DBQ, and SHEG are complete and linked with sources. The red is the challenge with 514 lessons to go. Each lesson, with sources, takes around 4-6 hours to complete. If you have anything to help, let us know. 

Note: We are transitioning our website Google Data Analytics this month. The website data will not be provided on this newsletter.

Curriculum Tracker - 5.10.22.pdf

Professional Learning

See Upcoming PD for most up to date information & PD Offerings

Summer 2022 PD Opportunities

Inquiry Bootcamp 

July 18, 19, 20th  9am - 1pm  Location TBD

Join JCPS Social Studies for a three day Inquiry Bootcamp. With learning opportunities for all grade bands and all levels of inquiry implementation, learn how to design lessons, make curricular choices about sources, and how to develop the priority inquiry skills standards with students. Get a jump start on the new year with planning for inquiry!

PD Credit will be available- Hours TBD/Max 12

Sign Up Here to reserve your spot today!

DBQ U: Summer Learning 2022 OPportunities

DBQ 1.0

This introductory workshop is designed for teachers grades 3-12 who are new to the DBQ pedagogy. The course includes an overview of The DBQ Project 6-Step Method and the major features of DBQ Online. Teachers experience all the steps in a lively, interactive session. Special emphasis will be placed on differentiating the process to meet the needs of all learners and utilizing the gradual-release model for document analysis. The goal of the workshop is for all participants to leave enthusiastically ready to implement a DBQ in their classrooms.

Prerequisites for Attending DBQ 1.0: Access to DBQ Online (via Clever in JCPS)

This course will be offered in the following EST time slots (please adjust for your time zone):
June 14th and 15th: 9-12 EST
June 14th and 15th: 1-4 EST
June 16th and 17th: 9-12 EST
June 16th and 17th: 1-4 EST
July 19th and 20th: 9-12 EST
July 19th and 20th: 1-4 EST
July 21st and 22nd: 9-12 EST
July 21st and 22nd: 1-4 EST

Sign Up Here to receive 6 hours professional learning credit by May 19th!

DBQ 2.0

This session is open to participants grades 3-12 who have attended an introductory DBQ session and have implemented DBQs in their classroom. Participants will leave with advanced strategies on developing stronger evidence-based writing and gain knowledge on how to modify the units to meet the needs of their own students.

Prerequisites for Attending DBQ 2.0: Completion of Day 1 Introductory Workshop or a self-paced DBQ 101 Course
Experience teaching with DBQ Online

This course will be offered in the following EST time slots (please adjust for your time zone):
June 14th and 15th: 1-4 EST
June 16th and 17th: 10-1 EST
July 19th and 20th: 10-1 EST
July 21st and 22nd: 1-4 EST

Sign Up Here to receive 6 hours professional learning credit by May 19th!

DBQ Lead Bootcamp

This four day course is for lead teachers, grades 3-12, instructional coaches, as well as enthusiastic educators looking to become a Certified DBQ Lead at their site. As a DBQ Lead, you will be able to support teachers in using The DBQ Project resources. Participants leave the course able to:
• Facilitate discussions about the rationale and best practices using The DBQ 6-Step Method and DBQ Online.
• Demonstrate and model advanced features of DBQ Online including writing scaffolds, managing student work, and providing feedback.
• Identify instructional and learning gaps in order to provide feedback and intervention strategies.
• Build capacity and maintain a culture of inquiry within a classroom and across grade levels.

Prerequisites for Attending DBQ Lead Bootcamp
• Day 1 Introductory Workshop or completion of a self-paced DBQ 101 Course
• Experience teaching with DBQ Online
• Short application demonstrating experience teaching DBQs and using DBQ Online.
• You must be an expert DBQ and DBQ Online user to qualify for this advanced course.

This course will be offered in the following EST time slots (please adjust for your time zone):
June 14th through 17th: 9-12 EST
June 14th through 17th: 12-3 EST
July 19th through 22nd: 9-12 EST
July 19th through 22nd: 12-3 EST

Sign Up here to receive 12 hours professional learning credit by May 19th!

DBQ 101 Self-Paced Course

These self-paced courses familiarize teachers with The DBQ Project Method. Teachers will learn how to make the DBQ process engaging and powerful for students. Participants will work through the steps of The DBQ Project Method at their own pace, pausing to reflect and practice along the way.

The Basics

Sign Up here to receive 6 hours professional learning credit!


July 28th & 29th 8-11am

Ballard High School

July 28th - Join us for an introduction to The DBQ Project! Learn about the 6-Step Method, how to use the DBQ Online app, and resources to build inquiry lessons. Grades 3-12

July 29th - Ready to take your DBQ skills to the next level? Join us to learn more about how to take your students to the next level with DBQ resources, instructional scaffolds, and writing techniques to develop claims and arguments. Grades 3-12

More information to come on sessions, PD credit hours, and sign ups!

JCPS Social Studies PD Opportunities 22-23

Social Studies Professional Learning Series 

Coming 2022-23!

Diving into inquiry? Developing reading and writing in Social Studies? Broadening student discussion techniques? We have lots of great opportunities to hone your craft coming in 2022-23! Stay tuned for more information and dates!

Mikva Learning Opportunities

How can you support the development of civically engaged citizens? Join our Mikva learning sessions throughout the year to learn more about implementing the JCPS Civic Dispositions and civic engagement into your classroom. Opportunities to implement the Communicating Conclusions inquiry standards for civic engagement abound and Mikva can help you find a way to do so! Work with our Mikva Coordinating partner, Ken Porter, to implement the Mikva curriculum and scaffolding to participate in the Soapbox Challenge. Learn more about Mikva and to see some awesome student Soapbox submissions on our Mikva Page

Dates and times for learning events for 22-23 coming soon!

Community Learning Opportunities

UK-JHFE Holocaust Education Initiative

We are very pleased to announce that the next phase of the UK-JHFE Holocaust Education Initiative is underway.  Funded by a grant from the Jewish Heritage Fund for Excellence, this initiative seeks to create opportunities for interdisciplinary content sharing, pedagogical training, and collaborative planning by pairing the content and instructional expertise of university and K-12 instructors from across the Commonwealth.

This summer we aim to train 20 teacher-leaders who will then collaborate to build Holocaust education workshops for teachers across the Commonwealth. Any Kentucky middle and high school teachers in the areas of social studies, English/language arts, and arts/humanities are welcome to apply. Teachers who have some experience teaching about the Holocaust or related content are especially encouraged.

Please click to find our Teacher Leader Call for Applications and the Teacher Leader Application Form.  Please spread the word far and wide and encourage teachers to apply. The deadline for applications is May 17, 2022. Please do not hesitate to contact Karen Petrone at if you have any questions. 

Posted on behalf of Dr. Karen Petrone at the University of Kentucky.

2022 UTT-US Program Flyer (1)

Uberoi Teacher Training - United States 2022

On behalf of the Uberoi Foundation for Religious Studies, we cordially invite you to join the 2022 cohort of the Uberoi Teacher Training - United States (UTT-US) program. Since 2018, over 40 teachers across Kentucky have participated in this program!

UTT-US is a 6-day workshop that will introduce participants to core teachings, practices, and communities of four religious traditions indigenous to India: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Additionally, teachers will receive training and resources regarding the academic study of religion, including pedagogical best practices in religious literacy for K-12 public education. 

This hybrid workshop will include lectures, discussion panels, collaborative and independent work time, as well as local site visits to places of worship for each of the four religious traditions. This year, the virtual program will take place via Zoom June 20-24 10AM-3PM ET, and the local site visits will take place June 25 or 26 (TBD). 

Teachers who complete UTT-US are eligible to apply for participation in Uberoi Teacher Training - India (UTT-I), a 3-week cultural immersion experience in India. This year, over twenty teachers from all over the United States have been accepted to participate! 

Please see this flyer for more information. To apply, please visit this link and fill out the Google Form by May 31, 2022. I’m also happy to answer any questions you might have.


Kelly O’Riley

Assistant Director, UTT-US

Saturday, June 11, 2022

9:00 AM  12:00 PM

Frazier History Museum

829 West Main StreetLouisville, KY, 40202United States

Focal Points - Utilizing Inquiry to Connect Local History to Larger Themes

Local stories have the power to help students connect with national and international topics in meaningful ways. During this interactive professional development for educators, we will consider ways to utilize questions, tasks, and sources for creating inquiries that tie your local history to broader themes you plan to address in the classroom.

Using the West of Ninth: Race, Reckoning, and Reconciliation exhibition as a sample focal point, we will explore the history of West Louisville, as well as the question, “How does where you live affect how you live?”

Educators will: Enjoy a brief introduction to teaching through inquiry and consider unique places for finding sources; Experience a guided tour of the West of Ninth exhibition; Discover the work and findings of the local firm Corn Island Archaeology during their investigation at the Beecher Terrace Housing Complex in West Louisville; Be familiarized with  The Beecher Terrace Story documentary created by local film maker Lavel D. White of Blu Boi Entertainment; View a live performance titled “Give us the Ballot” written in remembrance of Louisville Alderman Russell P. Lee, and be introduced to Inquiry Design Models created by JCPS teachers focused on the history of the Russell neighborhood community

Professional Development Credit: JCPS has approved 3 hours of PD credit for teachers completing this session. Educators who do not work with Jefferson County Public Schools should check with their individual school or district to see if credit is available for the training.

Special thanks to Louisville Metro Housing Authority for their support of this program.

Local educators are invited to sign up FREE of charge by clicking here.


Student Participation Opportunities

Grant Funding: Free Programming to Title I Schools

LG&E AND KU Foundation in support of Frazier Museum
The Frazier Museum education team is excited to announce a 2022 grant award from the LG&E  and KU Foundation that will support free programming for Title I schools in Kentucky! Funding will cover on-site field trips, outreach performances at schools, virtual field trips, and teacher professional development.
To learn more about program options or make reservation click here.

Please direct any question to

Up coming Conferences

KCSS Annual Conference Fall 2022

Elevating Inquiry: Going Beyond the Question

October 14-15, 2022 @ Morehead State University

Friday, October 14th: Join us for a social mixer that evening in Morehead
Saturday, October 15th: Elevating Inquiry: Going Beyond the Question - Annual conference held at Morehead State University, courtesy of the Ernst & Sara Lane Volgenau College of Education. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Jeffery Nokes!

Click here for more information on submitting proposals and nominating Outstanding Teacher of the Year and Georgia Davis Powers Civic Leader of the Year awards. 

More information on sign ups for scholarships to come!

102ND NCSS Annual Conference

December 2-4, 2022  Philadelphia, PA

Click here for more information on this year's conference.