IT3 Care Center

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Setting Up Your JCPS Account in Rapid is as Easy as 1,2,3!

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NEW Employees

Employees who have been hired or recently rehired by JCPS

ACTIVE Employees

Current Employees who are active within JCPS systems

Identity Automation FAQ

Q: What is two factor authentication?

A: Two-factor authentication, also known as multi-factor authentication (2FA or MFA for short) is a principle of combining something you know (i.e. your password), with something you have (i.e. your phone). Various examples of 2FA include receiving a push notification on your phone for approval, receiving a text message with a code, and more. 

View this short video from Duo Security for a quick overview: here

Q: Why are we using two-factor authentication?

A: In today's cybersecurity landscape, threats and possible compromises are ever-evolving. In order to stay compliant with our insurance carrier's mandate, as well as to keep our staff accounts secure and critical data protected, this will be a requirement for all staff members.

 Please note that this is a direct result of the increase in cybercrime occurring within the education marketplace, and a requirement that we must comply with in order to remain insurable. Without 2FA - JCPS's critical student information, accounts, and all assets of the technology lifecycle would be vulnerable.

Q: If I use the RapidIdentity Mobile app, will JCPS have access to my personal data?

A: No, the RapidIdentity Mobile App DOES NOT give JCPS access to any information or data on your phone, or the device you install it on. RapidIdentity Mobile will only be used for PingMe notifications, or one-time passwords and is completely in your personal control.

Q: Can I use an existing one-time password app? (i.e., Microsoft Authenticator)

A: Yes! Please select the (OTP/TOTP) option as your preferred 2FA method, and follow the steps here to enroll your app.  

Q: What if I do not want to use my personal phone for two factor authentication?

A: There are a few different options available to you. Contact our IT3 CARE Center team at 485-3552 to learn more about these options and how we are working to ensure your account is protected. 

Q: What if I need to help my STUDENTS access their accounts?

A: Great question! RapidIdentity provides increased access for both STCs and Classroom Teachers to support student accounts. Check out THIS INFOGRAPHIC to learn more about how students will access their accounts and how you can support them as a JCPS employee.