The Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a written statement of our plan to provide your child with a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in their Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).

Least Restrictive Environment 

This means that your child will be in schools and classrooms with non-disabled peers for as much of the day as appropriate. This could include general education classrooms, special areas, lunch, and wellness.  


The ARC, which includes you the parent, will determine if your child is eligible for ECE services and requires an IEP. Your child can meet eligibility criteria for one or more disability area.  You can learn more about the eligibility requirements for each disability area on the Kentucky Department of Education website here:  Special Education Forms - Eligibility Determination

The disability must negatively impact your child’s performance in school and/or ability to benefit from the general education curriculum.

Exclusionary Factors

The ARC must determine that none of the following factors have had a substantial impact on the student's educational performance:

Contents of the IEP

Your child’s IEP includes information about him/her, and the unique strengths and needs that are considered to develop a plan of the appropriate ECE supports and services that will allow your child to access, participate and progress in the general education curriculum. 

The following are major sections of the IEP:

Consenting to Services

After the IEP is developed, the ARC team will ask you for written permission to start services. We will not arrange for any services to be provided until we receive your informed consent to do so.

You can withdraw your consent for ECE services at any time. After withdrawing consent, you have the right to change your mind. If you later decide you want your child to be evaluated again for ECE services, you must request a new referral.  

Annual Review

At least once a year, an ARC meeting must be held to discuss a student’s IEP including:

In addition to the required annual review, a review of the current IEP can be requested by you or another ARC member at any time.  


A reevaluation must be completed once every three years. If new assessment pieces are needed, you will be asked to provide consent. Consent means you are giving your permission for the requested assessment pieces to be conducted.

All written reports will be shared with you when the reevaluation is completed. The ARC, including you, will meet to review the IEP recommendations given the new information.

A reevaluation can also be requested by you or school staff before the three years have passed.