Back to School Info

Welcome back to Bloom Elementary: 2024-2025 School Year 

We are so excited to be back in the swing of things. Below you will find everything you need to have your child ready to start the school year. Please start with the "Class Supply Lists" section below and proceed down from there. 

Important dates:

Mid-July: Class assignment letters sent to families

August 2nd:

August 6th:

August 8th - First Day of School: 

August 11th: Bloom PTA's Back to School Picnic 12p - 3p at Tyler Park  |  More dets to come - "save the date"

Volunteer Opportunities: CLICK HERE to visit the Get Involved page and we look forward to seeing you around the building and parkground soon.

Bloom Elementary Basics & School Orientation


99% of Your Communication

It's a Bloom expectation that families and Bloom's teachers are working collaboratively to best serve our students. 99% of your communications must be with your child(ren)'s teacher(s). 99% of questions, concerns, and comments you have regarding your chil(ren) shall be sent to the teacher(s). Your child(ren)'s teacher(s) will send out their communication plan by the first week of school.

Notice: If you skip over the teacher(s), that the admin team is likely to ask you to contact the teacher(s). The teacher(s) are the experts, they are the most knowledgeable of what's happening daily, they know what's going on. #Teachers99%OfTheTime

School Messenger

We have moved back to School Messenger for our weekly communications from the school - in conjunction with the Communications page on our Bloom website and the school-wide digital calendar. In general, the principal posts a weekly communications to families on the Communications page and a reminder to check that info is sent via School Messenger. 

Occasionally texts will be sent out via school messenger with important information.  It is important that all incoming kindergarten and new-to-JCPS families opt-in to receive text alerts.  While texts are used sparingly, they often alert parents to the most important school information.  Please text "Y" to 67587 to opt in.

Frequently Used Phone Numbers

Bus Drivers & Bus Compounds 

Bus drivers and/or bus compounds are also your first go to for questions, concerns, and/clarification for all bus related topics. Most of the time the bus driver is able to help families out in a quicker manner. Please work to build an open-line of communication with your child(ren)'s bus driver. Bus drivers are part of our Bloom village and we love them like family.

Arrival & Dismissal

Please review our arrival and dismissal procedures with the link above.  Of note: Students may arrive no earlier than 7:00 a.m. Students must be picked up by 2:25 p.m.

CAR RIDERS: Please have car seats on the passenger (right) side of the car.  Parents, do not exit the car to unbuckle or buckle your student in until you have exited the car-rider line. Exiting the car at any time will drastically impede the flow of traffic.

You MUST have the current year's dismissal tag and number. If you do not you will be sent to the front of the school and will be asked to wait. These students will be brought to the office once car rider dismissal complete.

Kindergarten Families

Visitors & Volunteers

Laws for Entering Bloom

Dropping Off Items

We Love Our Volunteers


Student Absences

Please call the school office each day your student is absent.  Please send a written explanation of the absence on the day your student returns to school.  Absence notes must be received within 3 days of the absence to be considered for excusal. If you know your child will be absent due to an upcoming event or travel, please inform the school office in advance. 

Educational Enhancement Opportunities

Some absences may be eligible for approved educational leave.  These must be submitted on the appropriate form and approved by the principal at least 5 days prior to the absence. Contact the school's attendance clerk if you need support with educational leave. The basic steps are:

Medicines At School

A Few Reminders...

Custody Papers

If there are any circumstances relating to custody, visitation, or protective orders, please provide the front office with current court documents each school year and when changes occur during the school year.

Student Absences

Please call the school office each day your student is absent.  Please send a written explanation of the absence on the day your student returns to school.  Absence notes must be received within 3 days of the absence to be considered for excusal. If you know your child will be absent due to an upcoming event or travel, please inform the school office in advance. 

Some absences may be eligible for approved educational leave.  These must be submitted on the appropriate form and approved by the principal at least 2 weeks prior to the absence. Contact the school's attendance clerk if you need support with educational leave.

Transportation Changes

All children will be dismissed according to the transportation plan on file.  If dismissal plans must change for a particular day, please submit the Google Form LINK by 1:50p. 

Early Dismissal

All early dismissals from school will need to be prior to 2:00p. After 2:00p we will be unable to sign out students due to our dismissal process. 

Bloom's Handbook Link

Student/Parent Handbook Link - Your one-stop shop for many of Bloom's expectations and information.

Required School forms (Parent Place)

Every year parents are required to fill out several forms for each attending student.  In the past these forms were given to parents in a paper packet at Open House.  However, in 2020 the district moved to a digital format.  All REQUIRED school forms can be found on the Parent Place website (not to be confused with Parent Portal).  Please allow 15 minutes to complete per child.  

Medications at school


Please DO NOT send any medications to school with your child.  This includes all over the counter medications and cough drops.  ALL medications require a physician’s approval.  Medication forms can be printed here: JCPS Medication and School Health Plan forms.  Please contact the school office if your child will require either daily or emergency/as needed medications during the school day.

A few reminders.....

Custody Papers

If there are any circumstances relating to custody, visitation, or protective orders, please provide the front office with current court documents each school year and when changes occur during the school year.

Student Absences

Please call the school office each day your student is absent.  Please send a written explanation of the absence on the day your student returns to school.  Absence notes must be received within 3 days of the absence to be considered for excusal. If you know your child will be absent due to an upcoming event or travel, please inform the school office in advance. Some absences may be eligible for approved educational leave.  These must be submitted on the appropriate form and approved by the principal at least 2 weeks prior to the absence.

Transportation Changes

All children will be dismissed according to the transportation plan on file.  If dismissal plans must change for a particular day, please submit the google form by 1:50pm LINK

Early Dismissal

All early dismissals from school will need to be prior to 2:00p. After 2:00p we will be unable to sign out students due to our dismissal process.