Online Resources

Please follow the directions below to access your online textbook. You can review topics by viewing sample problems and videos, as well as completing assignments created for you.

Step 1: Click on the above link

Step 2: Click on "Log In with Active Directory"

This will prompt you to sign on using your JeffCo username and password

Step 3: Click on the Big Ideas Icon and it will bring you to your online classroom

You have access to both the Math 8 (Blue book) and Math 7 Accelerated (Red Book). The majority of the topics covered will be in the Blue book. However, the Red book can be used to review necessary skills.

Google Classroom

Step 1: Click on the Google Apps image to find Google Classroom (You must be signed in using your JeffCo gmail account.)

Step 2: Click on "Google Classroom" App

Step 3: Click on the + symbol on the top right had corner and go to Join Class

Step 4: Enter in the code for your respective class.

Period 1: vl7fklk

Period 2: xlphgqi

Period 4: jws9ho

Period 5: ikgouq2

Period 6: 1400dgt

How to Make an Origami Jumping Frog