
Unit 1-We Are a Community of Writers

Students understand that they can share their ideas through interactive writing opportunities as well as independent drawing/ writing.

The focus of this unit is for students to become Writers! They will see how their writing can include pictures, letters, and words. They will learn to generate ideas and put pencil to paper as they move along the developmental continuum. At the beginning of kindergarten writing may be modeled, shared and/or interactive as they are working on developing the skills to become independent. Through the writing process they will support each other in building independence. Learning to communicate and talk about generating ideas for writing will support them as a tool for planning their content. Students will work toward creating pictures, labels and words/sentences that convey an intended message. This message could be a response to whole group reading or a message they want to tell. Supporting students to understand the “why” of writing will help them engage with text and see the real world application. Establishing classroom routines and expectations will support independence and self-direction.