About the Grant

What is an SCC Alliance Grant? Great question!

The Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD) exists to "enlighten and entertain the public through the production, presentation, exhibition, advancement or preservation of visual arts, performing arts, cultural history, natural history, or natural sciences." This funding is broken up into several portions, one of which is the Scientific and Cultural Collaborative, within which lies the Alliance Project.

The Alliance Project "partners art, cultural and science ​organizations with teachers in creating curriculum applications and learning ​opportunities for students. ​ performances, ​workshops, guest ​ artists/scientists, and field trips are provided to ​​supplement ​curriculum." Generally each school selected to receive the grant will participate in programming and curriculum enhancing experiences totaling approximately $10,000.

While the entire school receives the grant, the writing process requires the school choose a core group of students within the school. CMS will focus these funds on traditional and ESL 8th grade students as well as students in the arts.