Core Values 


RVHS Boys' Lacrosse Core Values and Expectations:

The expectations as they relate to our values are as follows:

Personal Leadership:

We will lead ourselves by showing up on time, with pride in our appearance, always doing the right thing, and never giving up, so we can lead others.  As teammates on the field and citizens in our community, we seek and relish opportunities to be of service to others.  

Gratitude for the Game:

We honor the American Indian origins of the game which was created as the “Medicine Game” and used as a way peacefully settle disputes, heal the sick, and entertain their creator. We show respect and gratitude for the officials as well as the opposing players, coaches, and fans.  We play the game within the rules. 

Growth Focused:

We see each challenge as an opportunity to get better as individuals, a team, and a program by focusing on solutions rather than problems.   We don’t complain. We give our best effort in every rep, every day. And, we impose our will on our opponent in games and practices.

Our behaviors and habits align with these values and expectations.