Auction Registration Class Prizes

Ticket Sale Tracking Rules

Event Sponsors

  • Every sponsorship includes 2 event tickets, which will count as 2 event tickets and therefore the student’s class/teacher will receive one credit for each ticket.

Event Ticket Purchases

  • For every event ticket purchased the student’s class/teacher will receive one credit.

  • In the case where the parent that purchases the ticket has multiple students, each student’s class/teacher will receive one credit. For example: Mary purchased 2 tickets, and she has 3 students. A total of 6 credits would be issued.

Staff Sponsored Tickets

  • If a parent also purchases teacher sponsorship one credit will be issued to each student’s class/teacher.

  • In the case where the parent that purchases the teacher’s sponsor has multiple students, each student’s class/teacher will receive one credit. For example: Mary purchased 2 teacher’s sponsors, and she has 3 students. A total of 6 credits would be issued. So if Mary purchases 2 tickets and 2 teacher’s sponsors, a total of 12 credits would be given, 4 per class.

  • The square site requires the parent to add the name of the teacher they want to sponsor, in the event the parent does not request a specific teacher, or they request a staff member not a teacher, the credit will still go towards their student’s teacher.

  • There will be a maximum of 12 credits given per family, between sponsorships, event ticket purchases and staff sponsored tickets.