Concurrent Enrollment

Language Comparision Chart at SLHS  (Click to view)

The French program has expanded its concurrent enrollment offerings. College credit earning world language courses are designed as an advanced (unweighted) track taught during the same class period as the regular class (further details below). Starting with the class of 2027, students may earn up to 16 college credits over four years in addition to earning the Seal of Biliteracy.  FRE 1011 & 1012 are 5 credits each and 2011 & 2012 are 3 credits each.  To put this in perspective, a French minor at CU Boulder is 18 credits. 

Benefits of Concurrent Enrollment 

Concurrent enrollment courses offer a unique chance for students to take college-level courses while still in high school. Here are some key benefits of participating in concurrent enrollment courses: broadening horizons and cultural understanding; academic rigor and college preparedness; time and cost savings; colleges and universities highly value students who challenge themselves academically; and competitive edge in the job market.

Progression of Concurrent Enrollment in French (Click to view)

Eligibility to Register for Concurrent Enrollment Track

Regular French and German classes are combined with dual enrollment classes but differentiation occurs through instruction, assignments and assessments. 

The first twelve weeks of the fall semester will be treated as a trial period.  Students that have consistently turned in their weekly assignment (see next section) and are earning a mid-C or above will be recommended and enrolled in partnership with Red Rocks Community College.  The credits are awarded at the conclusion of the school year to students earning a C or higher, including the completion of their weekly assignments.  Their grade and credits will be reflected on both the SLHS and Red Rocks transcripts.

Cost to Families, Registration, and Transferability

Concurrent enrollment courses are free to students, representing a cost-savings of around $239 per credit (Colorado average).  Completing four years of the CE track equates to an average savings of more than $3800.  Families will only be expected to purchase a workbook (one time purchase) and a short novel per year.


These courses have guaranteed transfer to any four year public Colorado college.  It is advised to contact the specific institution for the type of credit that will transfer.  

Eligible students will be registered in class towards the end of the fall semester. Students will need to know their social security number, but we will be reminding them as this date approaches. 

Expectations for Concurrent Enrollment Track

1. Beginning in September, and throughout the school year, they will have to complete a weekly assignment in addition to the standard course load.  These exercises will ensure that students are building comprehensive language skills at the college level and be prepared for continued study at the university after high school. These assignments should take about an hour a week to complete and occasionally students will have class time to work on them.  Concurrent enrollment students are also held to a more stringent standard with deadlines, as is in line with postsecondary institutions.

2. After Level 1, Students that select the concurrent enrollment option will have a summer assignment (sample French and German) due on the first day of school. This does not concern your student at this time, but we wanted to communicate future expectations.

Performance expectations: Concurrent enrollment students expectations will be higher than other students. They will learn the same content and follow the same curriculum as the rest of the class, yet the depth, complexity or length of formative and summative assessments will differ. 

In conclusion, we encourage you to explore the possibilities that concurrent enrollment courses in world languages can offer you. By taking advantage of this opportunity, students can embrace the transformative power of language learning and set themselves on a path to success, both academically and professionally.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or require further information. We are here to support your child's educational journey and help them unlock their full potential.

Families interested in pursuing this opportunity should purchase the concurrent enrollment materials (French and German) in August.  They will be needed starting the school week of September 5th. 

If you are not currently registered for German or French 1, contact your counselor to update your enrollment.