Social Emotional Learning

Our Approach

Building positive relationships is a foundational goal of our program. We use the Montessori peace curriculum and research based mindfulness practices to promote social emotional learning. We want each student to be confident in who they are and what makes them unique, build strong relationships with peers, and know that we care and are here to support them. When our students have a conflict we help them use a peace process to talk it out and find a solution. 

Mindfulness practices

We practice mindful breathing every day and have short lessons that build self-regulation, a growth mindset and conflict resolution skills. 

Restorative Practices

Restorative Practice is a problem solving approach focused on addressing behavior and needs while building positive relationships when solving the problem and providing opportunities to take responsibility for behavior choices. Recognizing different perspectives, building empathy, and using self regulation strategies are reinforced through this process.

Three underlying values are Respect, Responsibility, and Relationship.

Four key questions are utilized in the problem solving process:

Mindful breathing in action

Community values are posted throughout the school

Easy access to information about mental health supports for students and families is available at: Jeffco's Mental Health Hub and Jeffco's Virtual Calm Room.