Digital Citizenship

Keeping your kids safe in a digital world:

Common Sense Media is dedicated to helping families keep their students safe in an online world and gives tips on how to talk to your child about difficult topics. Spend some time going through all the resources.

Common Sense Media improves the lives of kids and families by providing independent reviews, age ratings, & other information about all types of media.

Golden High School's Plan for Digital Safety:

  • All incoming Freshman will be enrolled in workshops through advisement and ACE teaching digital citizenship and safety.
  • LAN School will be used as a way to manage classroom use of devices.
  • The Digital Teacher Librarian Christy DeMeyer embeds instruction all all of the ISTE standards in her lessons with students throughout their high school experience. See the library website here.
  • Teachers will receive ongoing professional development around the topic.
  • Safety tips will be sent out monthly in the Golden At a Glance, the GHS family newsletter.

Golden High School has also partnered with Screenagers Movie to bring TechTipTuesdays blog posts to you through the Golden at a Glance. We are also planning to host another screening in the future for families interested in watching the movie.

Check out the resources at