
My Opinion On Horizon Zero Dawn

By Sam. H

Horizon zero dawn is a masterpiece of an open world game. The protagonist, aloy, lives in a post-apocalyptic world where mechanical dinosaurs have come to life in this wonderful looking world. From simple lookouts to elemental dinosaurs, every enemy in this game is done right. Aloy was an outcast at birth for well, I guess I haven’t gotten that far yet. Early in her life at 7 years old she found an advanced piece of gear from the “Metal World” (aka our world advanced a hundred years) that lets her see weak points and trails of the increasingly aggressive robosaurs. She seeks to find out what happened at birth when she became an outcast through The Proving, a Nora tribe tradition where the winner gets anything they want. The open world, in my opinion, is done wonderfully. There’s always something to do, whether it be gathering materials for arrows, taking down packs of robosaurs, or focusing on the main story. And the game really just looks amazing too, as it looks like a movie come to life. This game is one of my personal favorite PlayStation 4 games of all time.


By: Noah Krueger

My opinion will be on boxing with Logan Paul and Jake Paul and how they challenge professional people. My say is Jake Paul is challenging Connor McGregor to box him. One Connor would waste his time fighting him, also Paul would get knocked out in one punch. I think that he thinks he is all good because he got one knock out. Also NHL players know he is weak . Robin Lhener ,Las Vegas golden knights goalie . He said to him on social media and says “I believe I would destroy him. Also another hockey player called him out. Evader Kane, he plays on the San Jose sharks. Him and Logan Paul started talking crap to each other , and this is where he comes in. Logan Paul said evander Kane plays on the sharks. What is that some sort of shark tank on the ocean. Now Evander Kane now says back, Logan Paul, I’ll take the mop of your head and wipe the floor with you, and nothing came back from Logan. Both the brothers are now fighting each other. My say on this is it will be the worst match in boxing history , and they’re gonna be like the bash brothers from Mighty Ducks movie. I think they are both weak and bad fighters. Lastly Logan Paul is now fighting Floy may weather. He is never let He is 50 and 0 in his boxing career.Floyd is also 20 years old than Logan. Paul will probably get worked.

Restaurant review

Texas Roadhouse

Texas Roadhouse has a lot to offer on their menus. When we go to Texas road house I get steak and a Ceasar salad. The containers for take out are pretty useful because they keep the heat in and they are container safe. The steak is pretty good and it is well cooked. The Ceasar salad is pretty good also because the dressing has good flavor. The bread rolls are also pretty good. They are well cooked and they also have really good butter. Also for the drink I get a blue raspberry lemonade, it is really flavorful. I give Texas Roadhouse a 10 out of 10.