
:SMS - SCHOOL :News :

Book Madness Edition !

by: Emina

In the month of March the library hosts a fun and exciting book related contest , Book Madness.

What is book Madness ? Book Madness is a contest where you predict which book will become Summit’s winner . Each Monday the students will Cast their vote .

How will they be able to cast their vote ? Well the librarian will send out a link and the students will fill out the document , predicting their vote!

The Students who guess Correctly will be getting a prize . Every Student that will be participating, the links will be out sent out every , Monday !

Now remember Go Vote!!!!

Vote every Monday !

School News

By Mina Par

As you know spring break is coming soon. And our spring break is a week and four days long! Oh, how fun it will be to be out of town and not have any assignments to turn in. The sun shining in our faces, chilling wind blowing our faces and hair. I can’t wait for spring break!

Last year, we had a spring break but a week later, the coronavirus spread, affecting millions of people which caused us to have a lockdown and be quarantined for a couple months. Many people missed being outside and having fun. But we will be able to go out and travel safely! What will you be doing in spring break? I’ll ask a few people what they’re gonna do.

Mrs. McAlister (Digital Media Literacy teacher) said she’s gonna stay here in Johnston for the rest of spring break and visit her parents for a day. That sounds awesome! Kamryn, a classmate of mine said she’s going to Arizona, sounds great! My dear friend, Anna said she’s doing nothing for spring break, that’s unfortunate but I hope she’s having a little bit of fun. Anyways, that will be the end of my interviews. I’m Mina Par and what will you be doing for spring break?

Summit Scoop News

By Medina

We all might have heard about the play, I will give some information about the play. There have been some new books added again to the library like “The Six-Day hero” by Stein, Tammar, “The smartest kid in the universe” by Grabenstein, Chris, and many more. Now back to the topic of the play. The play is called "Username" and it is written by Brian Hampton.

The play is about the over-use of social media. In the play, a girl named Cameron moves to a new school where everyone is obsessed with social media. She explores the different online "clubs" she can join and tries to find a place to fit in. The play will be emailed out to SMS parents and students on Friday, March 26th. There will be no live performance this year due to Covid-19. The link to watch will also be posted on the Summit Website. There are 25 actors and close to 20 crew members involved with this production. All kids involved this year are 7th graders. That’s all the news for the Summit Scoop!