
Teacher spotlight

By Alexa Villarreal

Hello, today I’m going to be asking Mrs. McAlister questions about teaching! But.. before we get into that’s let’s discuss that Summit will be bringing a slushie “station” in the cafeteria. I'm sure we are all so excited for that. I wonder what flavors they have to offer. Another thing is, woah spring break is right around the corner. What will you guys be doing for spring break? Let’s get into these questions I’m asking Mrs. McAlister.

Alexa : What is your favorite thing about teaching?

Mrs. McAlister : My favorite thing about teaching is working with kids. I love to see them “get it” and apply their learning in real life situations.

Alexa: How many years have you been teaching?

Mrs. McAlister : 20 years! That’s a long time!

Alexa : How have you managed COVID while teaching?

Mrs. McAlister We’ve had to adjust our learning model many times. Each model had its own challenges, but I’ve been so impressed by how quickly our students and teachers have adjusted each time. My family has been very cautious and we are hoping to get through the pandemic without getting COVID. I was very happy to get my vaccine!

Alexa : Do you plan on teaching for a couple or more years?

Mrs. McAlister I will probably teach for about 15 more years before I retire.

Well, thank you for answering my questions Mrs. McAlister! So before you go think about some goals you would like to achieve before spring break! Make an Academic goal, and make a personal goal, Well off you go!



In my opinion Chocolate is one of the best candies and is kinda one of the best flavors. There are at least 30+ Chocolate brands and one of the best selling candies is a type of chocolate. Chocolate is also shown to reduce stress and improve memory. The first chocolate bar was invented in 1847 by Joseph Fry. It was made from a paste made from sugar, Chocolate liquor, and cocoa butter. If you haven’t eaten chocolate before, you should try it cause it’s very good.

Teacher Spotlight

By: Maddie Lehman

Hello and welcome to the third addition of the Summit Scoop. Today I will be asking questions to our esteemed teachers and staff. I will be interviewing Mr. Johnson, a sixth grade math and science teacher. He is our questioned and here are his answers.

Mr. Johnson, Sixth grade math and science teacher

What’s the hardest math problem you’ve ever come across?

1. I don't know what the hardest math problem that I have come across is. I know that when I struggle, I look for help. I talk to students, other teachers, and family members. With help, I've been able to figure out every math problem I've come across.

How is COVID changing the way you interact with your students?

2. The biggest change Covid has had on how I interact with my students is probably being able to hear each other. It takes a lot of energy to project my voice through the mask, to the entire classroom.

What are some challenges you’ve had to overcome teaching students with all different skill sets?

3. The biggest challenge I have had to overcome teaching students with varied skill sets is communication. I have discovered that when I am very thorough about math and science vocabulary then learning happens easier. There's always challenges when it comes to teaching and learning about when we all understand the words we are using, it begins to make understanding easier.

What are some challenges with having to teach online you wish you could change back to normal (before COVID)?

4. My greatest challenge when it comes to online learning is that I didn't always feel the most confident in what I thought the kids were learning. Cameras would be off, microphones would be off, so it was a great challenge to know what the kids were understanding well, and what they needed more help with

And that is the final answer. Thank you so much for reading and have a good day!

Student Spotlight

by Gage

Max George

His height : 6ft

Favorite video game : 2k21

Favorite sport : Basketball

Favorite class :PE

If he could go anywhere in the world it would be :somewhere warm and sunny

Favorite food :pizza