
Free Breakfast This Year!!

by: Dylan Leonard

Breakfast is free this year. Breakfast is a way for the school district to help kids to be energized for the school day. But also making sure kids don’t go hungry. You don’t have to get breakfast but you can get it if you want to. Again it’s free so you don’t have to worry about paying for it. It’s also good for you as it gives you proteins to keep you healthy.

Meet some of Summit's New Teachers

- Teacher Spotlight -

by Denise F.

I interviewed the new health teacher Mr.Bauman and asked him some questions about his job.

1. How Does It Feel To Be A Health Teacher?

- It feels great! I am very excited to teach students and share my knowledge on how important living a healthy lifestyle can be.

2- What Is Your Favorite Thing About Your Students?

- I love watching my students become more curious about health. Students will start to ask questions and form opinions on certain topics, making for a deeper class discussion. Love it! 😊

3- What and/or Who Inspired You To Be A Health Teacher?

- My family. My mom, dad, brother, and sister are all teachers. I saw first-hand how rewarding a job like teaching can be! I couldn’t wait to be part of a school.

4- What Is Your Favorite And Least Favorite Part Of Your Job?

-My favorite part of my job is the time I share with my students individually. I like hearing stories and learning more about their interests outside of school. My least favorite part of my job is… well… I am not sure I have one 😊.

5- Was This Your Dream Job Growing Up? If not then, what WAS your dream job growing up?

- Growing up I always wanted to be a firefighter so I could help others that were in harm. As I grew older, I realized that advocating and caring for students on a daily basis can make a big impact on their life as well.

Welcome to Summit, Mr.Bauman!

Meet Ms. Larson

by Rhylie

1. What inspired you to be a special Ed teacher?

I chose to go into special education to help students overcome learning difficulties, like my brother and dad who both have dyslexia.

2. Who inspired you?

Both my brother and dad.

3. What is the hardest part of your job?

I think the hardest part of teaching is learning to separate work and home life, and balancing the two.

4. What is your favorite part of your job?

My favorite part of teaching is building relationships with my students and helping them build their self-confidence.

We are glad to have Ms. Larson at Summit!