
Student spotlight

The Summit SkaScooty Dooty presents

the student spotlight of September 2021

Can you guess who our September 2021 student spotlight is?

It’s Makayla Fox!

Written by: Jessica Wheeler

Thank you for reading the Summit SkaScooty Dooty

Edo’s Q and A

by Carlin H.

Today we will be interviewing Edo.

What is your favorite movie?

Million Dollar Baby because I liked all the fight scenes.

What is your favorite show?

Amazing World of Gumball because it puts me in a good mood.

What are your favorite after school activities?

Playing video games and homework - just give me something to do.

What do you like most about school?

Learning and making new friends.

How is your day going?

Pretty good

How do you plan on celebrating your birthday?

I am going bowling on Saturday

What is your least favorite thing to do after school?

Reading - it is boring

Is this your first time being interviewed?


What is your favorite Pokémon starter?

I do not know yet.

That is it for interviewing Edo!

Ms. Lewis Interview

by Aidin D.

My name is Aidin, and I am doing teacher spotlight for the school newspaper. Today, I’ll be interviewing Ms Lewis, a 7th grade math teacher in the Mission community.

How long have you been teaching at summit?

This is my 19th year at Johnston. I taught 3 years in a Des Moines School after I graduated from University of Iowa and then stayed home raising my kids for 8 years.

What's your favorite part of teaching?

I love watching kids when they realize they “get it”. Watching their confidence grow is the best part. I also love talking to my students and listening to what’s going on in their lives.

Do you have a favorite class or year after all the years you’ve been teaching?

Every year is different and there are interesting experiences that come out of each one. Relationships are formed and I love it when students come back to visit.

Do you have any kids?

I have 2 kids. My oldest, Jake, is the Strength and Conditioning Coordinator for the Dallas Center-Grimes School district. He got married a year and a half ago and his wife is a 3rd grade teacher for DC-G. My daughter, Molly, is a pediatric nurse and is almost done with her Master’s program to become a nurse practitioner. I am so proud of each of them and their strength of character.

Have you taught at any other building or grade?

When I taught at a Des Moines school, I taught 6-8th gr. Math. I’ve also taught Art, Social Studies and Religion. ☺

That is all for the interview. I chose Ms Lewis because with the start of a new year, I wanted to know more about my teachers so I can have a better connection with them. Lastly, this is a picture of Ms Lewis for anyone who is wondering.

Restaurant Review - A&W

by Harrison

Hello I’m Harrison and I’m reviewing a restaurant called A&W. This restaurant started in 1919 and has been popular since.

It all started with a man who had a plan to make a restaurant with all American food because other restaurants had Japanese, Mexican, and American food.

During the weekend I went to A&W to try it myself. I was gonna rate it on 3 things: presentation, taste and texture. The presentation was pretty good. I ate in our car so it made me feel like I was in the 50’s. And the fact that they took it out on a tray and not just a bag told me it was prepared just right. And that the workers took their time with it. The taste and texture was so good. The cheese on the burger was cooked just right to the point where it was dripping off the side but somehow stayed on there. The bun was crusted around the side and on the inside. The meat was just as good, not too chewy but not too soft and it was all organic grass fed beef. The fries were just as good. They were crunchy and not soft. And the crunch that the fries made when you bit into them was pretty satisfying if it was silent enough. The taste was even better; it wasn’t too salty but not too unsalted. I was also pretty sure that the food was cooked in the kitchen and not frozen and not shipped from all the way across the world to be microwaved.

I really hope you try out this awesome restaurant.

The BTS Meal

by Amaris

McDonald’s latest BTS meal is spreading very fast! Fans are excited for the meal to come out; some are not so happy, but that is what we will be discussing for today.

The BTS meal is getting a lot of attention especially on the sensational app TikTok. Some say it’s good some say it’s bad. Many people complained that their BTS meal wasn’t selling in their location or it was all sold out. Some people say they had to “DIY” the the packaging and include an image showing “BTS Meal” and the other lettering hand-written on the containers. The meal is made of 10 chicken nuggets, Medium fries, a medium coke, and two new dipping sauce in the US.

8.89 million is what it cost McDonald’s to pay BTS for the meal and McDonald’s net worth is 178.62B. And I thought 8.89.M is a lot of money!

A lot of BTS fans are mad about the design. They were expecting BTS designs on it but no, they were robbed out of the design! Most people say the bag was the only thing interesting about the meal and some say it looked like a regular McDonald’s meal. So overall review I say it’s a 6/10. Most people aren’t happy about the meal ,but that’s today’s news. Come back for some more gossip.