
What is Voices of Change?

By Atharva Kolhe

What do you think about this club ?

I like this club because club because we learn a lot of things like don’t do negative thing on social media and black lives matter.

What is the goal of this club?

The goal of this club is we are trying to make the school better by making people more positive.

What is the most important thing about this club?

We are all “family” and how people from different races and like to talk about big main problems.

What is this club about?

This club is about solving problems around the world.

Who are some of the other founders of this club?

The leader of this club are Laurane, Maria and Nemma (me)

How did you come up with the name of this club?

We wanted to make change happen with our voices.

What change will you make with this club?

The change is that we are trying to make the school better.

If you wanted to join the club. How would you?

We send out forms and you can join by doing the form.

Ice Skating

By: Neyla Hodzic

As you realized for P.E. you can ice skate! I interviewed Mr.Shultz about ice skating. Here are some of the questions I asked Mr.Shultz:

Q: How much did everything cost?

A: It was about 8,000 dollars for the ice skates and the rink.

Q:Has there been any big problems with the ice skating rink?

A: The problems we face with the rink are finding level ground to make sure the water spreads out to all surfaces of the rink and dealing with the inconsistent winter weather we have here in Central Iowa. Some days it's too cold while other days it may be too warm to get outside and use the ice.

Q:How did you get everything like the skates and the helmets?

A:We ordered the rink through a website call EZIce and purchased the skates locally through Slapshot Hockey in Windsor Heights.

Q:How did you guys come up with the idea for the ice skating?

A:We are a cold weather climate. There are plenty of fun activities to do outside when it is cold. We wanted to find something that kids would be able to partake in on their own time in the winter months. Most have no experience with ice skating, so that is where this idea originated from. Johnston was starting to put in a number of ice rinks so it just seemed like a good fit. Also, every kid that has gone through the elementary schools in Johnston has been rollerskating since third grade. We wanted to keep that skating theme going but change it up and offer a new variety with ice skating.

Now if you guys ever wondered anything about the ice skating here are the answers!

Lighthouse Committee Interview with Mr. Billings

by Alex

  1. Why do we have a lighthouse committee?

To provide leadership opportunities for students, gain valuable student feedback about our school, and encourage student lead initiatives.

  1. What is the light house committee all about?

Student Ambassadors to New Students

Guides for P-T Conferences

Making videos for Kindness Month

Planning our Community Service Project for the Spring

Planning our Spring Social

  1. Why do you decide to do the lighthouse committee and why you join the committee?

I will be able to answer this better at the end of the year. However, I think students love being a part of this.

Summit Play

by Mason

Stephanie Stockton is directing the Summit Play this year. The play is Murder on the 518. It will be In the cafeteria on March 4th at 6:30.

The play will run 80-100 minutes long. Students are free and parents are 3 each. There are 21 kids in the cast and 20 helping out with stage crew.

Ms. Vines

by Riley

What grade do you teach?

I teach 6th grade. BEST grade ever!

What subject do you teach?

I teach literacy and social studies.

What do you do in your free time?

I love binging shows, reading, listening to music and podcasts, long walks with my dog, and hanging out with friends and family especially on a lake.

Are you married?

No, I am not.

Do you have pets?

I do. I rescued a dog named Maui. She had a rough start to life, but she is doing amazing now.

What dose you typical day look like?

I wake up and make my coffee and smoothie. I workout and then get ready for a long, wonderful day at Summit MIddle School. Then, in the evening, I walk my dog, make dinner, binge some tv shows and read before bed.