Taking Care of Yourself Post COVID-19


What can we do to stay physically and mentally healthy post COVID-19?

Wash Your Hands

To stop the spread of any germs, be sure to throughly wash your hands with soap and water for at least twenty seconds. That is just enough time to sing the Happy Birthday song twice if you do not want to count out the seconds!

Make sure to wash every part of your hands, sometimes we tend to miss some areas.

Keep Your Hands Away From Your Face

Avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth with your hands to keep any germs away from your face. Especially if your hands have not been recently washed.

 Build Supportive Relationships 

Supportive Relationships are essential for individual and collective well-being. Social Support protects us from the effects of stress and helps us escape depression. Post COVID-19, it is especially important to develop supportive relationships with family, peers, and teachers in order to recover from COVID-19 challenges. 

Sneeze or Cough?

If you sneeze or cough, cover your mouth with your elbow or a sleeve, then wash you hands as soon as you can afterwards. If you feel unwell, please contact a medical professional.

Go Offline 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, our lives revolved around the internet. We built habits and routines that included extra phone and technology use. It is important to build new habits to ensure you are taking care of your brain and well-being. Yoga before bed instead of screen time is a great way to do this. Before going to bed, do some stretches and meditation to calm your mental load. 

Avoid Post-Lockdown Burnout 

It is normal to feel overwhelmed, run-down, and overstimulated as you get back into routines post COVID-19. Scheduling "me time" to get rest and restore is vital for our overall well-being. "Me time" can be anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour of stretching, journaling, or taking a bath. 

Emotional Wellness Post COVID-19

Everyone is affected by COVID -19 in different ways! 

How you can support yourself. 

For parents,  it is important to watch common changes in your child.  Remember PARENTS help STUDENTS meet their goals!!!!

This website will provide up-to-date information on COVID-19 and school re-entry updates.

Remote Learning

Tools and tips to learning online!


JCPS Remote Learning Parent/Student Support. Pick your school to get technology and student support services.

The Jackson County Public Library provides free downloadable books and other online information resources.

This is a FREE online resource to practice subjects you are learning in school. If you feel you need a little more practice with a new topic in high school or even middle school, there are step-by-step videos to help you through understanding something new.

Helpful Handout

This is a suggested Edgenuity weekly completion percentage guide.