Going Beyond the Bomb

A podcast where we discuss the harm of nuclear weapons and how we must find a way to live a life without them.

As the only midwest school at Critical Issues Forum, the Rock University High School Critical Issues Forum Team sees a need to create resources and opportunities for young people in our area to learn and collaborate with one another and their community on significant issues like nuclear disarmament. Many know the harm done to the people and land of Nagasaki and Hiroshima by nuclear bombs, but little know how these weapons harmed First Nations and Marshallese people of the United States. Over the years, uranium mining and bomb testing has physically harmed people and sacred lands. With each podcast episode of “Going Beyond the Bomb,” listeners learn about the past and think about a better future. They are challenged to accept that present reparations and apologies given back to the first nation people of the United States and the now independent Marshallese cannot be sincere without the dismantlement of the United States’ nuclear arsenal.

How to engage more high school students in nuclear disarmament activities? 

Our Team 

Back Row: Jayden Rodriguez, Gabrielle Richter, Autumn McDearmon, Amelia Sheridan, Xeph Richardson

Front Row: Ana Paula Dominguez-Antonio, Claire Dieckhoff

(Beyond the Bomb Podcast Logo created by Lucy Barnes)