Recent Research

Selected Publications From Dr. McDermott and CID Team Members:

  • McDermott, R.C., Levant, R.F., Hammer, J.H., Borgogna*, N.C., & McKelvey*, D.K. (IN PRESS). Initial development and validation of a 5-Item Male Role Norms Inventory using bifactor modeling. Psychology of Men and Masculinity.
  • Borgogna*, N.C. & McDermott, R.C. (IN PRESS). Perceived discrimination is disproportionally associated with sexual minority mental health: Implications for non-monosexual sexual minorities. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health.
  • Borgogna*, N.C., McDermott, R.C., Browning, B.R., Beach*, J.D., & Aita*, S.L. (2018). How Does Traditional Masculinity Relate to Men and Women’s Problematic Pornography Viewing? Sex Roles.
  • Booth*, N., McDermott, R.C., Borgogna*, N.C., & Cheng, H. (In Press). Masculine Gender Role Stress and Self-Stigma of Seeking Help: The Moderating Roles of Self Compassion and Self-Coldness. Journal of Counseling Psychology.
  • Borgogna*, N.C., McDermott, R.C., Aita*, S.L., & Kridel*, M.M. (2018). Anxiety and depression across gender and sexual minorities: Implications for transgender, gender nonconforming, pansexual, demisexual, asexual, queer, and questioning individuals. Psychology of Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity.
  • McDermott, R.C., Levant, R.F., Hammer, J.H., McKelvey*, D.K., & Jones*, Z. (2018). Further examination of the factor structure of the Male Role Norms Inventory-Short Form (MRNI-SF): Measurement considerations for women, men of color, and gay men. Journal of Counseling Psychology. doi: 10.1037/cou0000225
  • McDermott, R.C., Kilmartin, C., McKelvey*, D.K., & Kridel*, M.M. (2015). College male sexual assault of women and the psychology of men: Past, present, and future directions for research. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 16, 355-366.
  • McDermott, R.C. & Lopez, F.G. (2013). College men's intimate partner violence attitudes: Contributions of adult attachment and gender role stress. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 60, 127-136. doi: 10.1037/a0030353

*Denotes Graduate Student

Nick winning the APA Div. 17 Counseling Center Intern of the Year Award

April presenting research at APA